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Model Railroading > Clinicians needed update

Date: 01/30/25 12:07
Clinicians needed update
Author: Jeff_Johnston

Greetings! Per my recent post about Clinicians needed for our upcoming Pacific Model Loggers' Congress, a "clinic" does not always mean a presentation about modeling, history and so on. That time slot is also available for vintage movies, "slide" shows, and such.

Step on up and be a huge help for us this coming April 5.

Jeff Johnston

Date: 01/30/25 15:41
Re: Clinicians needed update
Author: tedstrains

It is a shame your show is scheduled the same time as the Chehalis show

Date: 01/30/25 16:46
Re: Clinicians needed update
Author: Jeff_Johnston

Yes, that happens.


Date: 01/31/25 06:52
Re: Clinicians needed update
Author: BAB

Where would someone suggest to find lodging someone could suggest close by. Thanks

Date: 02/01/25 11:19
Re: Clinicians needed update
Author: Jeff_Johnston

Hi, both Seaside and Cannon Beach are about the same distance from Camp 18. We always stay in Seaside and generally plan a group dinner for anyone staying overnight there the Friday before the event. THose locations are your best options.

Jeff Johnston

Date: 02/01/25 15:58
Re: Clinicians needed update
Author: BAB

Jeff_Johnston Wrote:
> Hi, both Seaside and Cannon Beach are about the
> same distance from Camp 18. We always stay in
> Seaside and generally plan a group dinner for
> anyone staying overnight there the Friday before
> the event. THose locations are your best options.
> Jeff Johnston
> thesugarpineshop.bigcartel.com
Thanks very much for the info will try the seaside deal where do you usualy stay at? Hate trying to find a good place easier to ask if you dont mind.

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