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Model Railroading > Need to verify HO well car wheel sizeDate: 01/31/25 05:57 Need to verify HO well car wheel size Author: calsubd By well car position i.e. the axles on the middle well in a 3 well car set, middle 4 axles, also first and last 2 axles
oo -----------oo----------oo-----------oo Then the same for a 5 well set TIA, Ed Ed Stewart Jacksonville, FL Date: 01/31/25 06:57 Re: Need to verify HO well car wheel size Author: sp8234 Info on which cars would help but here it is quick
125 ton = 38 (Articulated ends or all or most 53 foot wells but maybe some 40 foot wells also. 125 ton is the impotent part here) 100 ton = 36 (Articulated ends, All 100 ton) 70 ton = 33 (ends) I run (HO scale) 33 on all end cars & 36 on all articulated ends regardless of 100 or 125 ton. This is incorrect for prototype but I think 38s make the car look stupid because of the angle it sits at. The difference between 33 (ends) & 38 (articulating) seemed to cause some running issues with bad track when the truck binds because trucks are not loose enough but when loose enough the cars wobbly. This is true of all manufactures except Kato took a short cut to stabilize the car with the truck screw instead of like the prototype with side bearing like Kato did. Using Exactrail/Scaletrains trucks help but are not a fix with there somewhat floating bolster. Tim Hanesworth Santa Rosa, CA |