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Model Railroading > Very recent Train show experience

Date: 02/02/25 08:17
Very recent Train show experience
Author: calsubd

Traveled 100 miles to a train show I really enjoyed previously, this time not so, it was overwehlmed with O, G, N, and Lionel but very little HO, I guess for a new person to the hobby it was good, Are YOUR shows void of HO?, TIA, Ed

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Date: 02/02/25 10:20
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: original

You should identify the show and it's location - cannot comment on something so general

Date: 02/02/25 10:31
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: SPDRGWfan

calsubd Wrote:
> Traveled 100 miles to a train show I really
> enjoyed previously, this time not so, it was
> overwehlmed with O, G, N, and Lionel but very
> little HO, I guess for a new person to the hobby
> it was good, Are YOUR shows void of HO?, TIA, Ed
I went Saturday to the Timonium Train Show just north of Baltimore MD.  It occupies 3 large rooms at the Maryland State Fairgrounds fall, winter and spring.  It was pretty crowded and there was a huge amount of HO and N scale for sale at many tables.  But since I am up to my ears in rolling stock, I wasn't looking to buy any.  However, my layout is at the stage where I need to add sidings for freightcars to serve industries so I was looking for buildings and background buildings where space is very limited.  I picked up a couple of kits for decent prices.  I could order them but this way I saved on shipping.  The shows I go to are never void of HO, even the Greenberg Toy and Train shows that come to my area in northern Virginia twice a year.


Date: 02/02/25 11:37
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: pilotblue

It's incumbent upon the organizer to screen and tailor the vendors to insure a good cross section. Some might think that a little bit of everything would be a guideline. I think a better way to go is be guided by market share in the hobby. I think HO is about 67% of market share right now, that might be a good portion for a show. I have been to shows where the vendors are "cherry picked" so that only quality vendors are present and duplication is kept to a minimum. I used to love the guys that would show up with the same old, used stuff every show, sit there and read, avoid interacting with the customers and wonder why they didnt' sell anything. Some large show organizers make a point of spacing out vendors who have similar displays. I have also seen loyal vendors get prime spots on the floor year after year. I liked that because I always knew where to look for them. My 2 cents there!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/25 11:37 by pilotblue.

Date: 02/02/25 13:30
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: CSX2605

SPDRGWfan Wrote:
> I went Saturday to the Timonium Train Show just
> north of Baltimore MD.  It occupies 3 large rooms
> at the Maryland State Fairgrounds fall, winter and
> spring.  It was pretty crowded and there was a
> huge amount of HO and N scale for sale at many
> tables. 
> Cheers,
> Jim
Did they have the Craftsman Courtyard? I've heard about it on podcasts and sounds like a lot of fun to be there watching and talking to builders.
Jan of '23 wife & I went to the big Springfield Mass show and was not disappointed. Want to do it again next year. The clinics alone on Friday at the hotel made the trip totally worth it. Drove to South Bend and took Amtrak. Very good trip both ways and on time.

Brian V.

Date: 02/02/25 15:36
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: funnelfan

calsubd Wrote:
> Traveled 100 miles to a train show I really
> enjoyed previously, this time not so, it was
> overwehlmed with O, G, N, and Lionel but very
> little HO, I guess for a new person to the hobby
> it was good, Are YOUR shows void of HO?, TIA, Ed

That sounds like a GATS show that are notoriusly horrible, overpriced and lack the individual local sellers that make train shows great. They have a group of sellers that travel to the various GATS shows each weekend trying to sell the same old stuff that has been picked over pretty well. I didn't go to the last one here in Bloise, ID and was told I didn't miss anything. Our model railroad club has been disappointed with the GATS show for years, the only local show. So we started our own last September and got a good response to it, so we are going to keep doing it in September and build on it's success.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 02/02/25 16:17
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: SPDRGWfan

I used to go to the GATS shows in other states - Indianapolis IN, Lousiville KY, Houstone TX, and Buffalo NY.  I haven't seen a GATS show since I moved to northern Viriginia.  They seemed good back in the day, but not as good as TImonium and especially Amhearst/Springfield MA.


Date: 02/02/25 18:56
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Dallas had its annual train show a couple weeks ago.
There was a lot of HO stuff there and tons of Lionel items as well.

I was going to go for the day (about 2.5 hour drive each way from home)
and when Mrs Murphy thought about it she wanted to go and have her drop me off
at a shopping mall.  I told here I would be at the show 6-7 hours so she decided
we needed to spend the night there.  We reserved a room at a Hyatt at Stonebriar Mall for
a Saturday night stay as it was connected to the mall, and then insisted we go Friday and
stay Friday night too.  

Hotel and meals $750
Mall shopping $600
Trains at train show $0

Next year I'll just stay home.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/25 18:57 by WrongWayMurphy.

Date: 02/02/25 19:28
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: ross

I agree about GATS. We have several in Northern California throughout the year, but it's always the same sellers with the same ol' junk everytime. I only now go to the local one to me, instead of a 2-6hr drive. Not worth the time, gas, meals, etc. Always love the smaller swap meets and sales hosted by local clubs. That's where the goodies are at!!!

Date: 02/02/25 20:12
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: tehachapifan

ross Wrote:
> I agree about GATS. We have several in Northern
> California throughout the year, but it's always
> the same sellers with the same ol' junk everytime...

I swear I've been seeing the same tables of ol' junk for at least 20 years!


Date: 02/02/25 20:24
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: BM4266

I was just at the Amherst show and it was overwhelming!  Found some great bargins and missed out on some.  Two days isn't really enough to see everything and talk to everyone.  The TCA show in Denver in April is a really excellent show also. Manufacturers come to that one also.

Date: 02/02/25 20:28
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: wpdude

Now Shane, that's the LOVELY Mrs Murphy you are referring too, so your trip was PRICELESS! LOL

Date: 02/03/25 07:02
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: calsubd

funnelfan Wrote:
> calsubd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Traveled 100 miles to a train show I really
> > enjoyed previously, this time not so, it was
> > overwehlmed with O, G, N, and Lionel but very
> > little HO, I guess for a new person to the
> hobby
> > it was good, Are YOUR shows void of HO?, TIA,
> Ed
> That sounds like a GATS show that are notoriusly
> horrible, overpriced and lack the individual local
> sellers that make train shows great. They have a
> group of sellers that travel to the various GATS
> shows each weekend trying to sell the same old
> stuff that has been picked over pretty well. I
> didn't go to the last one here in Bloise, ID and
> was told I didn't miss anything. Our model
> railroad club has been disappointed with the GATS
> show for years, the only local show. So we started
> our own last September and got a good response to
> it, so we are going to keep doing it in September
> and build on it's success.

 No, not a GATS show but the local RR club to quote you " trying to sell the same old
 stuff that has been picked over pretty well" ,  I wish you and your club well in your new focus on what a RR show should be.

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 07:04 by calsubd.

Date: 02/03/25 07:37
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: SPDRGWfan

I have noticed at the previous shows up in Syracuse at the NY State Fairgrounds I usedd to go to and the Timonium show past 15 years, there is usually several dumpsters worth of old toy trains (Tyco, Lifelike etc.) that keeps coming back show after show.  I predict 98% of it will never sell and actually will end up in a dumpster - it's just a matter of time. 

I can't imagine hauling that stuff to show after show and setting it all up and sell virtually none of it.  You'd think after many years it would reach that classic definition of insantiy - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  No thanks!. 

There is even a guy who comes to TImonium and the Greenberg shows who has a long set of displays of new models (Trains and building kits) that are priced unattractively and those new item boxes are badly worn from being packed up and taken to show after show after show after show ....     I looked at his items 8 or nine years ago and walked away and stopped going by.  But this trip, I was looking for a few building kits and out of curiousity check his Walthers New River Mine (which I don't need but looked for price comparison) and it was priced at $63.  There were many other vendors had it for half that.  Assuming that's his pricing policy, it must be rare for anyone to actually buy anything if they are like the average buyers  If the 10+ year trend with this dealer continues, he will eventually pass away with the vast majority of that stock and his wife will have to unload it en-mass at fire sale prices.  It's a mental thingI can't wrap my head around.


Date: 02/04/25 10:56
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: grahamline

"there is usually several dumpsters worth of old toy trains (Tyco, Lifelike etc.) that keeps coming back show after show"

We get this at our annual swap meet. These appear to be guys who show up at the door around 6 am, set up quickly and then cruise the other tables looking for motivated sellers.  They tend to sell the items they flip that day.  They are also among the first to book tables, so they are hard to weed out.

Date: 02/04/25 14:17
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: wabash2800

That's nothing, one of my books, Railroading on the Wabash Fourth District, has been for sale on Amazon btw $3000 and $4000! for a few months now. Yes, they are sold out but.... Is he/she ever going to sell that used book? What gives? LOL I contacted the seller with no response.

Railroading on the Wabash Fourth District: Baird, Victor A.: 9780615521480: Amazon.com: Books

Victor Baird


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 14:20 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/06/25 16:12
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: Frank30

Was at the Amherst/Springfield (MA) show a few weekends back as a vendor. I don't sell off the shelf engines and cars.  The attendance was the
best ever: 27,535 for the two day show.  I was amazed  at the number of vendors (that I could see from my vantage point) who had tall stacks of
HO Rapido, Kato, Atlas  and other makes  of  mostly engines, stacked over 6 feet high.  Pretty good chance if you were looking for a specific model,
it HAD TO BE available from one of the many dealers at the show.  I saw the mention above of dealers with shop worn boxes  that have seen
better days. A few shows back, I asked one dealer if he had an engine I was looking for, and the box he pulled from a slot in his display
was only hours away from turning into dust.


Date: 02/08/25 13:45
Re: Very recent Train show experience
Author: Typhoon

I went to my local show this morning.  I think I spent more time walking to and from my car than I did walking the aisles.   

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