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Model Railroading > The future for the Tampa Northern?

Date: 02/04/25 19:16
The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: SALGUY

Western Rail has done it to me, again 

They are rebuilding some old SDs for service on US Sugar, in Florida.  They did a SD45 which resulted in 3 SD45s for my Tampa Northern.  

Well, they've shown photos of their next SD to be delivered to US Sugar.  This one is a former Grande SD40T-2.   Dagnabit, now im going to have to do 3 of those for my Tampa Northern.



Date: 02/05/25 06:04
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: funnelfan

Scale Trains has a new run of SD40T-2's that should be arriving any day now.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 02/05/25 12:30
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: SALGUY

Ted, I've got a newer Athearn Ready To Run one and an older Blue Box unit.  I'll probably pick up another Ready to Run one.  I like to run my power in sets of 3.  That was Seaboard Air Line practice in the mid 60s to the darn merger with that other road.  They generally ran their GP40s and U30Bs in sets of 3. 

Thanks, Denis Blake

Date: 02/05/25 12:34
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: wabash2800

Wow, looks like your paint scheme....<G>

Victor Baird

Date: 02/05/25 17:54
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: NiagaraMike

Very similar to Ontario Northlands original paint job!

Date: 02/05/25 20:18
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: SALGUY

As a refresher, here are the 3 SD45s I did when they released a SD45 for US SUGAR.  These guys at Western Rail are costing me a lot of money.  Lol

Date: 02/07/25 08:35
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: wabash2800

Did they copy your paint scheme or base it on an old SAL paint scheme like you did? The pin stripes on the outside of the wide stripe and the bow on the nose really make that pop! I love the colors too--maybe a second to the Chessie Cat paint scheme.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/25 13:34 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/07/25 21:37
Re: The future for the Tampa Northern?
Author: SALGUY

Victor, I'm sure it's based on the old SAL paintscheme.  If I had a huge ego I'd say of course they based it on my scheme.  That would be a lie.  It's still pretty cool though. 

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