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Date: 07/09/20 11:19
Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: amtrakbill

Appropriations bill would block Amtrak service reductions
Amtrak and public transportation would receive at least $26 billion in emergency aid under the fiscal 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bill proposed by the House Appropriations Committee — but the money for Amtrak would be tied to a requirement that the passenger railroad cannot discontinue or reduce frequencies on any of its routes. In a press release, Jim Mathews, CEO of the Rail Passengers Association, said the bill shows “Congress is really listening to Americans and recognizing tine critical role passenger rail and public transit have always played in economic resilience.” The bill would allocate $2.05 billion for Amtrak as part of its core appropriation, maintaining the $1.3 billion for long-distance trains, while the emergency provisions would include $5 billion for the Northeast Corridor and $3 billion for the national network.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 07/09/20 11:39
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: ts1457

Depends what the Senate does. The House has the Amtrak provisions wrapped up in a bunch of crap which the Senate might not go for. Somehow the Amtrak rescue must be severed from the crap.

I hope Congress can do something about the service cuts, but it still is a long shot.

Date: 07/09/20 11:46
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: ronald321

Now, all eyes are on the Senate.

Their official position is - that they are waiting to see if the Economy improves - and we may not need another stimulus bill (Round 2).

The REAL reason,  is probably that they are waiting to see just how much push each Senator receives from his constituents.  This
will give them cover to go against the Party Line of being against  "wasteful spending".


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/20 11:59 by ronald321.

Date: 07/09/20 12:06
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: goneon66

ts1457 Wrote:
> Depends what the Senate does. The House has the
> Amtrak provisions wrapped up in a bunch of crap
> which the Senate might not go for. Somehow the
> Amtrak rescue must be severed from the crap.

it sure is a BUMMER that it is normal in our political process to have other UNRELATED issues wrapped up with something as important as amtrak's service cuts.

do you happen to know what the other issues the house added into the amtrak provisions?
> I hope Congress can do something about the service
> cuts, but it still is a long shot.

please keep us posted............


Date: 07/09/20 12:15
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: ts1457

goneon66 Wrote:
> do you happen to know what the other issues the
> house added into the amtrak provisions?

My understanding is that the Amtrak rescue is part of the $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill. If I am wrong. someone please correct me.

Here is the bill if you care to take a look for yourself:


Date: 07/09/20 12:22
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: joemvcnj

They threw MagLev in there so they would have some "fat" to pull out. 

Date: 07/09/20 14:00
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: Dcmcrider

ts1457 Wrote:
> goneon66 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > do you happen to know what the other issues the
> > house added into the amtrak provisions?
> My understanding is that the Amtrak rescue is part
> of the $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill. If I am
> wrong. someone please correct me.
> Here is the bill if you care to take a look for
> yourself:
> https://transportation.house.gov/imo/media/doc/BIL
> LS-116HR2-RCP116-54.pdf

No, that's the five-year surface transportation re-authorization that would be the successor to the FAST Act.

For the time being, the Amtrak "rescue" package seems to be moving under "regular order" in the House, i.e., via the THUD (Transportation, Housing and Urban Development) FY21 appropriations bill. Notionally all spending bills have to originate in the House. Remember that Flynn's letter specifically asked for additional FY21 appropriations.

My best guess is there's going to an omnibus spending bill blowout covering FY21 in the Lame Duck, with continuing resolutions to get over the Oct 1 hump.

Of course, it's entirely probable that Congress and the administration will panic and enact another corona stimulus that could include handouts for Amtrak.

Paul Wilson
Arlington, VA

Date: 07/09/20 14:20
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: Lackawanna484

Thanks for that analysis of what is going on in the sausage maker.

If Amtrak can get more of those $2 a mile NEC fares in the cash drawer, that could impress Congress. That depends on NYC DC etc firms reopening.

Posted from Android

Date: 07/09/20 15:23
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: andersonb109

Why can't both sides just put forth bills for one specific purpose and not include a bunch of other unrelated stuff, crap or otherwise that prevents anything from getting done. 

Date: 07/09/20 15:30
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: joemvcnj

So that they will have things to pull out in Conference, claim each side compromised, and retain what they really want.

Date: 07/09/20 17:40
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: ts1457

Dcmcrider Wrote:
> No, that's the five-year surface transportation
> re-authorization that would be the successor to
> the FAST Act.

Appreciate the correction.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/20 17:41 by ts1457.

Date: 07/09/20 18:40
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: engineerinvirginia

4thDistrict Wrote:

> joemvcnj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So that they will have things to pull out in
> > Conference, claim each side compromised, and
> > retain what they really want.
> Yep, it's called negotiations. Happens in almost
> all financial agreements. When buying a car, I
> always offer less than they want and work up to a
> price I am satisfied with, and they ask more than
> I am willing to pay so they can also appear to
> give in a bit. When negotiating a contract, always
> put in things that you can do without so you
> appear to be giving in a bit when removing them.
> The other side does the same thing. 
> "The price is $50."
> "I'll give you $25"
> "How about $40?"
> "My last offer is $35"
> "Ok, we have a deal"

that's they way I negotiate as well.....go lowball a little but don't be insulting....meet somewhere in the middle...

Date: 07/09/20 20:46
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: Molino

Will this include any hazard pay for the front line employees having to work through this pandemic?  

Date: 07/10/20 03:42
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: RRTom

Molino Wrote:
> Will this include any hazard pay for the front
> line employees having to work through this
> pandemic?  

Doubtful since the pandemic is pretty much over.

Date: 07/10/20 03:47
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: mp51w

The conservative think tanks and their lobbyists are probably already working on Senate members about the liberal provisions in this bill.

Date: 07/10/20 05:03
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: Lackawanna484

RRTom Wrote:
> Molino Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Will this include any hazard pay for the front
> > line employees having to work through this
> > pandemic?  
> Doubtful since the pandemic is pretty much over.

Not in Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, etc.

Death counts are rising in many places.

Posted from Android

Date: 07/10/20 05:04
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: joemvcnj

RRTom Wrote:

> Doubtful since the pandemic is pretty much over.

OMG. Do you even watch the news ? 

63,000 new cases yesterday, and we set a new record every day. 
Scores of hospitals running out of ICU beds in 5 states. 51 left in the entire state of Arizona.  Pandemic is turning into endemic. 


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/20 05:05 by joemvcnj.

Date: 07/10/20 05:48
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: goneon66

RRTom Wrote:
> Molino Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Will this include any hazard pay for the front
> > line employees having to work through this
> > pandemic?  
> Doubtful since the pandemic is pretty much over.

DENIAL is why it is not over in some states.

in some countries it is rampant and guess what?  flights from those countries ENTER the u.s. every day.........


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/20 05:50 by goneon66.

Date: 07/10/20 05:48
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: co614

With all due respect RRTom what universe do you inhabit???  The Covid 19 pandemic is exploding across the south and southwest with the USA setting new highs in daily new infections reported EVERY day. Bottom line is that in Fl.,Tx.,Az., & Ca. it is totally out of control. It's akin to a huge wildfire that is  0 % contained. 

   We are now reaping the forced rapid re openings in those states ( except Ca.) that were driven by politics not science. 

   Again, until there is a proven, safe, widely available vaccine this virus will remain in control.

   Sad but true.  Ross Rowland 

Date: 07/10/20 07:48
Re: Amtrak may not reduce services after all?
Author: raytc1944


  You're right on the money!

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