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Passenger Trains > Does the left hand know what the right is doing?

Date: 09/27/05 10:28
Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: DavidP

Despite the fact that Amtrak added five more Acela roundtrips to Boston yesterday, Amtrak is continuing to run a radio advertisement during Red Sox broadcasts stating that "Acela Express is back with THREE daily roundtrips between Boston and New York" - the same spot that's been running since early August. (It also states "Amtrak won't rest until Acela Express service is fully restored" - yeh, right). Considering how important the return of every-two-hour frequencies is to building back market share you would think Amtrak would want to use their already-paid-for advertising to actually tell the public about it.


Date: 09/27/05 13:10
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: DanV

How about the newspaper ads for the Empire Builder running in various dailies that shows a SuperLiner train consist with a F-40 locomotive on the point?

Date: 09/27/05 13:24
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: DavidP

DanV Wrote:
> How about the newspaper ads for the Empire Builder
> running in various dailies that shows a SuperLiner
> train consist with a F-40 locomotive on the
> point?

Well, that will drive away potential riders who only want GE power, to say nothing of disappointing the F40 fan club when they come out to ride ;-)

Speaking of F40s, I was in a travel book store in London a couple of weeks ago and saw an Indian Railway timetable book (printed in India)....the front cover graphic was a drawing of two back-to-back F40s pulling a curving string of Amfleet cars! (I remember that drawing from some Amtrak literature or ad several years ago).


Date: 09/27/05 16:53
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: CarolVoss

DanV Wrote:
> How about the newspaper ads for the Empire Builder
> running in various dailies that shows a SuperLiner
> train consist with a F-40 locomotive on the
> point?

As far as that goes, I just got a brochure from NARP soliciting my membership and the brochure shows the Coast Starlight with an F40 on the point as well as another shot of a train with an F40 (probably the Zephyr??) Inside is a newer Acela engine type photo but the engine logo is the old pointless arrow, not the bra cup. I'd say they need some new photos.

Date: 09/27/05 19:12
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: airbrake

CarolVoss Wrote:

> As far as that goes, I just got a brochure from
> NARP soliciting my membership and the brochure
> shows the Coast Starlight with an F40 on the point
> as well as another shot of a train with an F40
> (probably the Zephyr??) Inside is a newer Acela
> engine type photo but the engine logo is the old
> pointless arrow, not the bra cup. I'd say they
> need some new photos.
> C.

No, they need a new organization.

Date: 09/27/05 19:47
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: SCAX3401

Maybe the Indian Railway timetable was hinting as something to come....

Amtrak's not going out of business, but moving to India!! They have done screwed up passenger rail here in the U.S. as much as they can, so now its time to move on to another country.

Date: 09/27/05 21:02
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: jp1822

Amtrak needs to get its advertising together on these matters. Send a letter to Ms. Barbara Richardson - head of Marketing at Amtrak, with a cc to the Gunn. I just sent my complaint letter, or critique letter if you will. I doubt things will change, but at least "I tried."

On a side note, Amtrak has some really great brochures that they've developed recently - but they seem to be hidden in some really whacky places. Go to the NYP Info Booth and ask for "xyz brochure" and you get a blank stare from the clerk. Go to the NYP Acela Lounge and you can pick up "xyz brochure" yourself from the rack. Heaven forbid the racks outside the main NYP Info Booth has such brochures available - instead it's stuffed with multiple copies of the same train time schedule, or not stocked to full capacity.

How about the latest Arrive magazine. It has an article promoting places to go to in order to enjoy the Fall season of leaf changing etc. They don't mention the Adirondack, Vermonter or Cardinal trains as three main trains that people take to observe the colorful Fall season. Neither are these or any other Amtrak train promtoted as a mechanism to getting to destinations that cater to Fall season travellers (i.e. Vermont, upstate NY, West Virginia etc.). This is ridiculous.

How about sticking the Arrive magazine and the pamphlet marketing the Empire Builder in the seat back pockets of NEC trains - or at least offer onboard brochures promoting the Amtrak system in cafe/lounge cars. Amtrak needs to "better market itself to current riders."

For example, many NEC riders don't realize there's trains outside the NEC. And don't assume people who ride the NEC wouldn't venture beyond it. Have sat next to many NEC riders and explained my travels on Amtrak and their faces light up - "I should try that - I never knew Amtrak operated a train in that region/area."

Date: 09/27/05 22:19
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: goalco

At Amtrak remember the left hand does not know there is a right hand!

Date: 09/28/05 00:07
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: hmd929

CarolVoss Wrote:
> As far as that goes, I just got a brochure from
> NARP soliciting my membership and the brochure
> shows the Coast Starlight with an F40 on the point
> as well as another shot of a train with an F40
> (probably the Zephyr??) Inside is a newer Acela
> engine type photo but the engine logo is the old
> pointless arrow, not the bra cup. I'd say they
> need some new photos.
> C.

It seems that SPRINT has appropriated a logo similar
to the Amtrak "bra cup". Of course, SPRINT used to be
owned by Southern Pacific so there is a slight train
connection. Lawsuit anyone?

Howard Dean
Alameda, CA

Date: 09/28/05 09:02
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: HaggisKennedy

I'm not surprised. Local TV runs ads that are obviously expired all the time. Usually for TV shows that have already happened.


Date: 09/28/05 09:43
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: CarolVoss

hmd929 Wrote:
> > >
> It seems that SPRINT has appropriated a logo
> similar
> to the Amtrak "bra cup". Of course, SPRINT used
> to be
> owned by Southern Pacific so there is a slight
> train
> connection. Lawsuit anyone?
> Howard Dean
> Alameda, CA
I noticed that the other day and thought of it again when I saw the ad last night. However, there is just enough difference in the "upswing" of the lines to probably avoid a problem. For that matter, the new BNSF swoosh or whatever it is is very similar to the logo that Mirassou wines developed some years ago.

Date: 09/28/05 12:38
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: DavidP

HaggisKennedy Wrote:
> I'm not surprised. Local TV runs ads that are
> obviously expired all the time. Usually for TV
> shows that have already happened.
> Kennedy
Right....its the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure they provide current content - otherwise they're wasting money. Amtrak doesn't have the luxary of money to waste.


Date: 09/28/05 17:41
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: SW_Chief

BNSF6400 Wrote:
> Maybe the Indian Railway timetable was hinting as
> something to come....
> Amtrak's not going out of business, but moving to
> India!! They have done screwed up passenger rail
> here in the U.S. as much as they can, so now its
> time to move on to another country.

That's called out sourcing, and lots of it is going to India these days. LOL


Date: 09/29/05 08:53
Re: Does the left hand know what the right is doing?
Author: HaggisKennedy

DavidP Wrote:

> Right....its the responsibility of the advertiser
> to make sure they provide current content -
> otherwise they're wasting money. Amtrak doesn't
> have the luxary of money to waste.

Other things on local TV ads are for events (public or otherwise). I think those may be paid on the number of times run, vs actual dates effective. If a customer paid for 25 runs, they'll get 25 runs, even though it might be past the event date. That's the first reason I can come up with, other than the station operators just not keeping up with changing out the ad cart program.


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