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Date: 07/25/11 21:50
OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: GenePoon

Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search
June 25, 2011
by Lauren Sage Reinlie

> A woman has filed a complaint with federal authorities over how her elderly mother was treated at Northwest Florida Regional Airport last
> weekend.
> Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and
> extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of
> her battle with leukemia.
> Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.
> “It’s something I couldn’t imagine happening on American soil,” Weber said Friday. “Here is my mother, 95 years old, 105 pounds, barely
> able to stand, and then this.”
> Sari Koshetz, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration in Miami, said she could not comment on specific cases
> to protect the privacy of those involved.
> “The TSA works with passengers to resolve any security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner,” she said.

Full story:


Date: 07/26/11 05:29
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: navy5717th


This is the sort of thing that's spoiling our retirement. My wife refuses to fly anymore because she will not put up with TSA's warrantless, groundless, invasive searches.

TSA has become a monstrosity that George Orwell would've admired because it so resembles what his "1984" was like.

Sadly, TSA is gradually becoming "We've always done it this way" in the minds of a decade's worth of traveliing sheep who mistakenly believe (or want to believe) that their security is being protected.

Fritz in HSV, AL

Date: 07/26/11 06:12
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: prr60

I must be one lucky guy because, in probably twenty or more TSA interactions a year - about 200 since TSA took over airport security, I have not had one single issue. Not one. I have not even seen a problem with TSA handling passengers. I have seen issues with passengers with TSA, not the least of which was the guy who insisted he should be allowed to carry butcher knives in his carry-on, and created a huge stink. Stories like that don't make the news. When two TSA agents at SEA handle an elderly woman with a walker in such a kind and respectful way that I send a note to TSA complimenting the actions, that doesn't make the news either.

On the other hand, if the Ma and Pa Kettles of the world think that these rare incidents are the norm and they stay home, then that's fine with me. It makes the line just that much shorter.

Date: 07/26/11 06:38
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: stone23

I'll stick up for the TSA also. I recently went through security in San Diego wearing my WWII Memorial cap that I received at the dedication of the Memorial. Two different TSA people thanked me for my Service as I passed safely thru the process!

Date: 07/26/11 06:53
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: joemvcnj

While that was happening, some jerk was flying around with fake or non-existent papers and passport before somebody caught him. Forgot the details.

Date: 07/26/11 06:56
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: icancmp193

We've done a few dozen flights since the TSA came into being and the treatment has always been quite good. Last year my wife received a hip replacement and we have done 6 trips since that time. When she has been patted, it has been very professional and at some airports she has not even set off the scanner (still trying to figure that one out!). And I haven't seen other passengers treated badly, either.

Our home airport is Reno, Nevada where the TSA station won an award for being "Best" in the USA.

Tom Y

Date: 07/26/11 07:21
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: NormSchultze

I too, have had numerous interactions w/TSA. They have always been courteous. They have a tough job balancing safety and speed.

We would all like to go back to the day before that November day when D.B. Cooper dropped the airstairs on that NW 727 and stepped into history and myth. But we can't un-ring the bell.

We'd all like to keep our shoes on,too. But then there was Richard Reed. We can't un-ring that bell either.

Is it an adult diaper or an explosive pack ?

And if you're that sick, maybe you should be in an air ambulance.

Date: 07/26/11 07:38
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: aehouse

Before TSA there were minimum wage security firms employing the dregs of humanity. I prefer thoroughness and professionalism in a security workforce than low bid "mall cops" doing the work.

Art House
Gettysburg, Pa.

Date: 07/26/11 07:39
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: TomPlatten

Folks need to remember that the 911 terrorists were not only trying to kill as many as possible but to disrupt the American way of life. With all of the changes that have taken place as a result of their actions---I would they succeeded on both counts! Things will never be the same again-sad!

Date: 07/26/11 07:57
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: navy5717th

The Fourth Amendment says:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Who has given TSA a warrant based on oath or affirmation of probable cause to search you and me???

I've passed through TSA's gauntlet a lot. I endure it because it's the only way I can board my plane, but I'll be damned if I like having to do it.

We're the only country in the world that still makes its potential passengers remove their shoes. One idiot tried to use a shoe bomb 10 years ago. Ever since ALL of us have been suspected of wanting to do the same thing. Is that stupid, or what?

We force travelers to put their toiletries in TSA-approved mini-bottles. (If I'm a terrorist wanting to blow up a plane, I get around that restriction by bringing my half of the ingredients in my carryon mini-bottles, and have another nut case to bring the rest in his. We go to the rest room and mix our explosive device and make the plane go boom! -- duh.)

A few years back I got hassled at BWI trying board a Southwest BWI-BNA flight. The TSA cretin stopped me because my boarding pass read "Fritz" but my picture IDs said "Frederick." The latter was the name on my birth certificate, but I didn't realize it was my name until I entered first grade.

Mind you, my boarding pass to get from BNA to BWI also said "Fritz" and I had several credit cards that said "Fritz". I showed them to this moron with assurance that I hadn't stolen them, but that didn't penetrate. Did the pictures on my IDs look like somebody else? NO. I asked him how was it that I got to Baltimore from Nashville with a boarding pass that read "Fritz"? He really took exception to that -- " This" he said indignantly, "is Baltimore, not Nashville." I responded by asking him if either Nashville or Baltimore were no longer in the United States. He stormed off with my ID and boarding pass to get his supervisor. The latter came, returned my boarding pass and IDs, and passed me through. (Ever since, I've had my boarding passes read "FREDERICK") Btw, I'd flown on four other Southwest flights a month before as "Fritz" with no hassles.

TSA doesn't make me feel safer.

Fritz in HSV, AL

P.S. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin,

Date: 07/26/11 08:21
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: Lackawanna484

aehouse Wrote:
> Before TSA there were minimum wage security firms
> employing the dregs of humanity. I prefer
> thoroughness and professionalism in a security
> workforce than low bid "mall cops" doing the
> work.
> Art House
> Gettysburg, Pa.

I've run into TSA people over the years who were exceptionally professional and easily the equal of any well managed customer service operation. And, I've run into people who may have received their courtesy training in prison or in a slaughterhouse.

But, I've never, not once, received a questionnaire from TSA about "how'd we do, and what's our grade?" about a particular trip through the lines. I don't think TSA particularly cares what the average victim / passenger thinks. Heck, even the airlines regularly send questionnaires at least to elite flyers asking about specific flights and how they did.

TSA has 535 bosses, many of whom fly on air force VIP jets or on lobbyist private planes. If they keep the 535 happy, the 30 million will just bend over and take it.

Date: 07/26/11 08:23
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: retcsxcfm

Wake up Gene.
This is OLD news.Note the date line.
Where have you been?

Uncle Joe-Seffner,fl.

Date: 07/26/11 08:29
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: GenePoon

retcsxcfm Wrote:
> Wake up Gene.
> This is OLD news.Note the date line.
> Where have you been?

Since then...on an airplane or three! Come to think of it, I WAS away from home and only checking TO intermittently when that happened.

If it didn't get posted already, it's like a magazine article...it's new til you read it. Now I should get to the TSA blog and see what lame excuse their
"Blogger Bob" cooked up for this one (his excuses for the Savannah GA Amtrak station fiasco were "entertaining", even though they were wrong).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/11 10:43 by GenePoon.

Date: 07/26/11 09:35
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: PHall

aehouse Wrote:
> Before TSA there were minimum wage security firms
> employing the dregs of humanity. I prefer
> thoroughness and professionalism in a security
> workforce than low bid "mall cops" doing the
> work.
> Art House
> Gettysburg, Pa.

You don't know what the average TSA employee gets paid, do you?
And many of the TSA folks are the same people who were doing this job when it was the mall cops doing the job.
Same people, same job, different uniform, that's all.

Date: 07/26/11 10:06
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: GenePoon

PHall Wrote:

> You don't know what the average TSA employee gets paid, do you?
> And many of the TSA folks are the same people who were doing this job when it was the mall cops
> doing the job. Same people, same job, different uniform, that's all.

The "normal" TSA agent doing screening has all the same arrest powers as a civilian, which they are.

For anything more, an actual law enforcement officer, as per code, must be summoned.

Date: 07/26/11 10:35
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: RFandPFan

navy5717th Wrote:
> The Fourth Amendment says:
> "The right of the people to be secure in their
> persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
> unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
> violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
> probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,
> and particularly describing the place to be
> searched, and the persons or things to be
> seized."
> Who has given TSA a warrant based on oath or
> affirmation of probable cause to search you and
> me???

You need to go back to grade school. These searches are a condition of travel, no one is breaking into your house in the middle of the night. You don't have to go through these searches if you don't want to...just take a different mode of travel. Its not a Fourth Amendment violation.
> We're the only country in the world that still
> makes its potential passengers remove their shoes.
> One idiot tried to use a shoe bomb 10 years ago.
> Ever since ALL of us have been suspected of
> wanting to do the same thing. Is that stupid, or
> what?

Hate to confuse a good rant with facts, but they do this in England and Ireland. I recently had a cousin that went to both and was required to remove his shoes.
> A few years back I got hassled at BWI trying board
> a Southwest BWI-BNA flight. The TSA cretin stopped
> me because my boarding pass read "Fritz" but my
> picture IDs said "Frederick." The latter was the
> name on my birth certificate, but I didn't realize
> it was my name until I entered first grade.

Hmmm, let's see, your boarding pass had the wrong name on it, and the TSA guy was a cretin??? Sounds like he was doing his job, and you shouldn't be booking flights with the wrong name. No wonder you got stopped, if I was TSA, I would assume you had changed your name on your pass for a reason, like avoiding a no-fly list. Kudos to the TSA for doing their job.

> TSA doesn't make me feel safer.
> Fritz in HSV, AL

You flying on commercial planes doesn't make ME feel any safer!

Date: 07/26/11 11:18
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: robj

My Grandfathers name was Franz but was called Fritz. Call me Fritz, call me Franz, call me Fred but don't call me late for dinner.


Date: 07/26/11 11:26
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: GenePoon

robj Wrote:
> My Grandfathers name was Franz but was called Fritz. Call me Fritz, call me Franz, call me Fred
> but don't call me late for dinner.


"Those who are late do not get fruit cup."

-"Nurse Diesel" (so, not entirely off topic) in High Anxiety, produced by Mel Brooks

Date: 07/26/11 11:27
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: Lackawanna484

robj Wrote:
> My Grandfathers name was Franz but was called
> Fritz. Call me Fritz, call me Franz, call me Fred
> but don't call me late for dinner.
> Bob

The automated systems and lists are making it more important for travelers to keep their ID information in a state of consistency. Continental and Lufthansa both required me to change my name as presented on my frequent flyer information to agree with my passport. Keeping the passport name EXACTLY the same as the name on the ticket saves a lot of hassle.

Date: 07/26/11 13:18
Re: OT: Another TSA airport atrocity
Author: DNRY122

I still remember a news commentator, back when someone demanding, "Take this plane to Havana" was the main concern, and the predecessors of today's security measures were first established, saying, "It used to be fun to go to the airport, and watch all the people and see the planes landing and taking off. Now it's more like going to the state prison to visit your ne'er-do-well cousin!"
Last time I traveled by air, I commented to another prospective flier waiting for the portal to clear, "I've been in training for this--I was on jury duty earlier this year" [most major and many minor courthouses have metal detectors at the entry points.] One of the things that the screeners look for is nervousness. If you go with a positive, cooperative attitude, realizing that this is a pain in the neck (or further down) but it's part of life in the 21th Century, you're less likely to encounter trouble.

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