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Date: 06/25/13 15:10
Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: GenePoon

Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Monday, June 24, 2013

> (CHICAGO) -- Amtrak has launched an investigation after a noose was
> found hanging at a Chicago mechanical facility.
> An Amtrak spokesperson says the noose was removed immediately.
> He said Amtrak has a zero tolerance policy and the person responsible
> will be terminated.
> This noose was found in a part of the mechanic garage that is for
> employees only...

Link to story:

Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility

Photo, by an Amtrak employee, as posted by WLS:

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/13 15:11 by GenePoon.

Date: 06/25/13 15:37
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: coaststarlight99

Just find the stupidest, most immature person who works in that area and bam---you've got 'em. (What they really should do is polygraph everyone, because now everyone will be wondering who did it.)

Date: 06/25/13 16:43
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: irhoghead

coaststarlight99 Wrote:
> Just find the stupidest, most immature person who
> works in that area and bam---you've got 'em. (What
> they really should do is polygraph everyone,
> because now everyone will be wondering who did
> it.)

If you've ever been to the Chicago maintenance (or lack thereof) facility, the line up of people fitting your description would be a mile long.

Date: 06/25/13 16:59
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: P

Um, so?
Was it accompanied by a specific threat to someone? If not, so what? Our society is really, really sensitive in some cases.

Posted from BlackBerry

Date: 06/25/13 17:59
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Where is Clint Eastwood when you need him

Date: 06/25/13 18:02
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: sp219

Whoever did it probably was never a boyscout. The knot is wrong.

Date: 06/25/13 18:52
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: Frontrunner

P Wrote:
> Um, so?
> Was it accompanied by a specific threat to
> someone? If not, so what? Our society is
> really, really sensitive in some cases.
> Posted from BlackBerry

U don't get it. Its a message of hate.

Date: 06/25/13 19:13
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: miralomarail

I'm ashamed to say , the same thing happened at the Redondo Jct ( LA, Ca ) Sand Tower Many Moons ago

Date: 06/25/13 19:49
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: bradleymckay

ArgyleEagle Wrote:
> Where is Clint Eastwood when you need him

And Eli Wallach...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/13 19:50 by bradleymckay.

Date: 06/25/13 20:26
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: poultrycar

I would cool it. Ask Jim Lewis, if he is mad, then I am mad, but my guess is that Jim would laugh it off.


Date: 06/25/13 20:29
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: poultrycar

And as another poster said, that haint no noose knot. I was a boy scout too, and this one is way off.

Date: 06/25/13 21:20
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: kyounger

Does not look like a bowline either.

Date: 06/25/13 21:35
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: walstib

When I first saw the topic title I thought it said nose. I was imagining something left from a trespasser strike...

Date: 06/25/13 22:10
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: ts1457

poultrycar Wrote:
> And as another poster said, that haint no noose
> knot. I was a boy scout too, and this one is way
> off.

I don't think the noose knot was in the Boy Scout Handbook, but in camp, someone always seemed to know how to tie one.

Date: 06/25/13 22:14
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: chugchug

Much ado about nothing. Someone declared it was a noose so as to perpetuate their victim status thus
procrastinating, perhaps indefinitely, coming to grips with reality and "getting a life".

Date: 06/26/13 04:09
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: MarkMeoff

chugchug Wrote:
> Much ado about nothing. Someone declared it was a
> noose so as to perpetuate their victim status
> thus
> procrastinating, perhaps indefinitely, coming to
> grips with reality and "getting a life".


Also as others have said, that's not a noose.

Date: 06/26/13 05:41
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: alco636

What an ugly comment. Sad to have something like this happen, sad to read such ugliness. I sincerely hope Amtrak discovers who did this, and terminates them immediately.

Al Seever
Minneapolis, MN

chugchug Wrote:
> Much ado about nothing. Someone declared it was a
> noose so as to perpetuate their victim status
> thus
> procrastinating, perhaps indefinitely, coming to
> grips with reality and "getting a life".

Posted from Android

Date: 06/26/13 05:48
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: Lackawanna484

Nooses have a significant role in the transmission of hate.

Following a 2007 incident where six African American teens in Jena Louisiana beat up a white kid, nooses were found on the doors of African American owned buildings. A noose was found at a minority studies professor's office at Columbia University, too. Although the professor was determined to have put it there herself.

It sounds like Amtrak's crack Human Resources Department has a lot of work to do.

Date: 06/26/13 06:17
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: dcfbalcoS1

Well, who ever the idiot was that put it there doesn't know poop about making a 'noose'. With no other information at the time for all i know it could be a rope someone uses to put on machinery hanging from a crane. Far out, yes maybe but nothing is proven yet. I believe I won't waste any tears till I hear the full story. Bring in the 'thought police'.

Date: 06/26/13 06:47
Re: Noose found hanging in Chicago Amtrak facility
Author: joemvcnj

This is equally serious as someone scrolling a Swastika on a wall.

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