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Passenger Trains > Todd: E-mail demon Peter Warner

Date: 11/21/01 10:49
Todd: E-mail demon Peter Warner
Author: NE933

Now I'm pissed. This little scruddgy wonderer of the non-information network has managed to get 21 e-mails into my mailbox. Some of these are in his own name, others with aliases like "Paul Davis", "Paul Highlander", "Trackmaster", and "Moderator of Amtrak and Transit. He has also managed to hit other TO members, and make duplicates of such in my e-mail box.

Todd, zap him out!!

Peter, quit this nonsense; as I have better things to do with my time than click delete over and over again.

Date: 11/21/01 11:21
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: BurlingtonJohn

Is alive and well over at Altamont Press.....

Burlington John

Date: 11/21/01 13:03
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: webmaster

I am not doing any more work or filtering on the email system for in a month or so it will be gone. In place of it will be a forwarding system where you can decide whether if you want to receive email through the address or not.


Date: 11/21/01 13:30
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: proamtrak

Wise choice Todd. What was it with Warner anyway? I was late getting into here last year after Todd fixed up the board that we had to go by different names and if I remember correctly, Warner was "claiming" Amtrak was ordering all those superliners and supposing all the trains that derailed, all those cars were scrapped (and only 3 off of Train 5s derailment a few months ago are the only ones that did get the troch!) What was wrong with his source of info anyway?

Date: 11/21/01 14:53
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: JohnThomas

I'm reporting Peter to Yahoo! Groups. He hit me, too, and Group moderators are not allowed to just sign people up for a group. It's a violation of Yahoo!'s privacy policy, and it's a damn inconsiderate thing to do.

Date: 11/21/01 16:34
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: Mikey

JohnThomas wrote:
> I'm reporting Peter to Yahoo! Groups. He hit me, too, and Group
> moderators are not allowed to just sign people up for a group.
> It's a violation of Yahoo!'s privacy policy, and it's a damn
> inconsiderate thing to do.

Report him directly to Yahoo for obscenity. His <a href="http://profiles.yahoo.com/osdm/&quot; target="new">Yahoo profile</a> is disgusting. If we're lucky, he'll just plain get kicked off of Yawhew as a whole.

Date: 11/21/01 18:53
RE: demon Peter Warner
Author: ken15

For everyone's information (especially Matt's), Peter showed up at the TRAC Meeting in Burbank last Saturday for the last hour (and Friday too although the Friday reception had been cancelled); he asked a few questions but was ignored by most of those who know him. I had a picture of him sitting at my table at Railpac's meeting in Fullerton last year off of Trainweb's site that I had printed out and a few of those present got a kick out of the photo but no one wanted to keep it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all on this Board and especially to Todd Clark for keeping this forum together.


Date: 11/21/01 19:06
Peter's Profile: Caning and Spanking???
Author: zephyr18

Peter, we hardly knew ye...

Date: 11/21/01 19:18
Author: looseifer

All you celebrities being hit with the Warner bug. I am jealous, makes me want to have the Zephyr cut mail cars off for Pocatello and and a connecting coach to El Paso over the Santa Fe with all of the Superliners that Amtrak will buy. By the way if we can find Peter, an obnoxious toad like Osam Bin Laden ought to be easy! Long live the trivia of that moron and his paste together web site. By the way is it really his name?

Date: 11/21/01 20:06
RE: Peter's Profile: Caning and Spanking???
Author: Mikey

If you think that's bad, you should have seen the picture he had there before he replaced it with that F59! I don't know WHAT that was hanging out of that's guy's ass, but it looked kinda like a black cat. And he wasn't wearing pants or a shirt either. If you don't believe me, just ask FJC... he should remember.

Date: 11/22/01 02:13
RE: Peter's Profile: Caning and Spanking???
Author: FJC

Mikey wrote:
> If you think that's bad, you should have seen the picture he
> had there before he replaced it with that F59! I don't know
> WHAT that was hanging out of that's guy's ass, but it looked
> kinda like a black cat. And he wasn't wearing pants or a shirt
> either. If you don't believe me, just ask FJC... he should
> remember.

Drag my name into this will ya! I should think not.

Date: 11/22/01 06:15
RE: Peter's Profile: Caning and Spanking???
Author: lakeshorelimited

Glad this loser was gone before I came on here. I wonder if his posts can still be found by searching for his name.. what was he doing? Posting false info?

Date: 11/22/01 21:07
RE: Peter's Profile: Caning and Spanking???
Author: ken15

NE933 started this thread with the following:

"Now I'm pissed. This little scruddgy wonderer of the
non-information network has managed to get 21 e-mails into my
mailbox. Some of these are in his own name, others with aliases like
"Paul Davis", "Paul Highlander", "Trackmaster", and "Moderator of
Amtrak and Transit. He has also managed to hit other TO members,
and make duplicates of such in my e-mail box."

Well, I don't know if I now have an all-time record of e-mails in my TO e-mail box (most of them from Peter or in regards Peter), but I had 39!!! including e-mails from one of the most well-respected posters on Trainorders, Mundo, trying to unsubscribe. Luckily, I discovered this avalanche of e-mails when I was over my Aunt's home for Thanksgiving and was showing another guest of hers how I could use her computer to access my e-mail and my TO e-mail, etc.

Anyway, I read one of Mundo's e-mails and read the rest when I arrived home.

If either Mundo or Pismobum (another well-respected poster whose e-mails I also read) are able to get unsubscribed from what I call the "Peter Warner Spamming", please let me know or post that here on this board.

By the way, see my earlier post above within this thread on Peter's "appearance" at the TRAC (Train Riders Association of California) meeting in Burbank last week.

Again, a Happy Thanksgiving to all those on this forum and all of the Trainorders forums.


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