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Passenger Trains > 3/4

Date: 01/12/22 20:09
Author: realistic

No train #3 left 1/12/22 due to personal shortage. Talking about next week Sunday for the next to leave Chicago.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/12/22 20:21
Re: 3/4
Author: MacBeau

No #4 out of LA tonight either.

Date: 01/13/22 01:56
Re: 3/4
Author: jp1822

So NOW we know why they did away with the timetables!!!! Just operate the trains when its convenient for Amtrak!

Amtrak has professed it's been short staffed since the LD trains went back to a daily schedule. But where are the job postings? 

Makes for an unreliable system (who knows when the train will operate), and it will also lead to collapse. There's going to be some serious negative press coming (on multiple fronts) if Amtrak can't figure this out. The fact they can't even operate stub trains on corridors from KC to Chicago or MSP to Chicago, is NUTS! I hate to even think and say this, but COVID is going to be around for a few more years. It will take some twists and turns I am sure. But in order for Amtrak to operate, they need to bulk up now on a labor source to have ample extra board staff. Or create new models of a labor source.......be it shared services with freight railroads, or what the LD onboard staffing looks like. Current situation is not working. Most businesses would look towards a plan B or plan C. 

On my recent round trips on various trains at the end of December and early January - there was certainly absolutely NO shortage of labor on the trains I was on, nor was it being predicted. On two trains staff was even dead-heading the entire way.  

Date: 01/13/22 02:10
Re: 3/4
Author: dan

COVID seems to have brought amtrak to its knees , Gardner and Anderson were no help either, they just want the NEC to get new bridges, difficult times.

Be neat if terminal personnel could take advantage of this downtime for deep cleanings and other issues, even if hiring outside subcontractos, every day we have a ton of flights cancelled due to the same reason, but there are other ones usually.  These are rough times, there are even flour shortages, orange juice  supply problems , you name it, if you are running your house/business with just in time mentallity it can bite you.

Some computers parts are tough to get with much computer power being diverted to crypto currency for these god damn block chains, auto manufacters are best served with standard chips  and their own software programmers now.

times a changin hold on

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/22 02:25 by dan.

Date: 01/13/22 04:09
COVID Overcoming Our Essential Personnel
Author: cozephyr

My daughter, an essential licensed practical nurse (LPN), who has taken precautions and taken on overtime during 2020 came down with COVID this week - sent home-!  The COVID variants are overcoming our essential personnel - !  Airlines, hospital personnel and everyone else are falling due to the contagious nature of this COVID variant.

Amtrak has staffing issues due to COVID and has no choice but to cancel trains.  Welcome to 2022 =17.549999237060547pxrealities-!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/22 04:15 by cozephyr.

Date: 01/13/22 14:15
Re: 3/4
Author: dcfbalcoS1

       Probably due to 'personnel' shortage instead. 

Date: 01/13/22 14:45
Re: COVID Overcoming Our Essential Personnel
Author: MacBeau

And according to their own Inspector General, Amtrak doesn't have the people, policies, or procedures in place to hire the necessary numbers they need either. Our tax dollars at work!

cozephyr Wrote:
> Amtrak has staffing issues due to COVID and has no
> choice but to cancel trains.  Welcome to
> 2022 =17.549999237060547pxrealities-!

Date: 01/13/22 17:41
Re: COVID Overcoming Our Essential Personnel
Author: SanDiegan

cozephyr Wrote:
> My daughter, an essential
> licensed practical nurse (LPN), who has taken
> precautions and taken on overtime during 2020 came
> down with COVID this week - sent home-!  The
> COVID variants are overcoming our essential
> personnel - !  Airlines, hospital personnel and
> everyone else are falling due to the contagious
> nature of this COVID variant.
> Amtrak has staffing issues due to COVID and has no
> choice but to cancel trains.  Welcome to
> 2022 =17.549999237060547pxrealities-!

Meet the new year, same as the old year !

Date: 01/14/22 21:13
Re: COVID Overcoming Our Essential Personnel
Author: ProAmtrak

And the year before that!

Posted from Android

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