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Passenger Trains > Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!

Date: 01/14/22 14:31
Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: RodneyZona

Why the Amtrak train#98 of January 13 and 14, 2022. Seven hours late Miami to NYC, Engines failture at Miami yesterday morning?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/22 14:33 by RodneyZona.

Date: 01/14/22 14:45
Re: Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: twropr

97 had hit a car in Ft Laurderdale and arrived MIA at 10:46 pm (3 hr 47 min LT).
98 did not get out till 3 pm the next afternoon (6'50" LT)
Something must have failed mechanically.

Date: 01/14/22 16:34
Re: Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: MEKoch

What failed is Amtrak.  They are SO SO poorly managed.  They unable to adjust to any problem.  They are unable to repair their cars or locomotives.  PATHETIC.  

Date: 01/14/22 17:25
Re: Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: DevalDragon

Maybe they didn't have a rested crew and it wasn't a mechanical failure?

Date: 01/15/22 15:30
Re: Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: ProAmtrak

MEKoch Wrote:
> What failed is Amtrak.  They are SO SO poorly
> managed.  They unable to adjust to any problem. 
> They are unable to repair their cars or
> locomotives.  PATHETIC.  

Nice conlcusion, especially after someone explained what happened in Fort Lauderdale!

Date: 01/15/22 21:25
Re: Amtrak Train 98 of Jan 13 and 14, 2022. Eight hours late!
Author: alan2955

ProAmtrak Wrote:
> MEKoch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What failed is Amtrak.  They are SO SO poorly
> > managed.  They unable to adjust to any
> problem. 
> > They are unable to repair their cars or
> > locomotives.  PATHETIC.  
> Nice conlcusion, especially after someone
> explained what happened in Fort Lauderdale!

So a three hour delay southbound results in a seven hour delay northbound the next day? Only on Amtrak could something this stupid happen. And it’s not because they washed the train at Miami either, they are running back-and-forth filthy. Can we please bring back Seaboard Coast Line that knew how to run a Northeast to Florida passenger service properly! Plus they ran about four times as many coaches and sleepers each direction per day. Amtrak can’t even serve one of the highest volume travel markets in the entire United States.

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/22 21:27 by alan2955.

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