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Passenger Trains > UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019, in wyo too

Date: 11/19/22 22:20
UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019, in wyo too
Author: dan

August 2019 w/b near Burns, CO  

someone  said 1943  was in denver today at north yard, now the latest report i have it is pueblo -north yard train sitting at academy , but i wonder if that report is backwards ny-pu?

sorry about the wind noise the cheap one drive video editor doesn't let me turn down the volume, super windy that day as well

6-24 2019 saw the 1943 in wyo , a couple filler shots in Cheyenne  and getting near Hanna  from the phone                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Union Pacific’s Locomotive No. 1943, The Spirit, was the company's 16th commemorative locomotive. The Spirit honors the United States’ armed forces and the men and women filling their ranks. Created in collaboration with Union Pacific veterans, the locomotive illustrates the railroad’s connection to the thousands of veterans who helped build America through the centuries. The Moniker A Boeing B-17 was christened the Spirit of the Union Pacific in 1943, recognizing employees who funded it through war bond contributions. The Spirit of the Union Pacific was assigned to the 571st Bomber Squadron and shot down on its fifth mission during a raid on enemy installations in Munster, Germany. Honoring the Armed Forces Every detail in The Spirit’s trade dress incorporates a piece of each U.S. armed forces branch. The Spirit’s front is symbolic of Air Force Silver, and the blue stripe is a reflection of the former Strategic Air Command’s “nose sash.” The lettering inside the sash is the original handdrawn font used on the B-17. It is followed by the Coast Guard’s “Racing Stripe” and the Navy’s Battleship Gray, which frames Union Pacific’s traditional American flag. The military camouflage is a nod to the Army and Marines. As the train passes by, the final message on the tail is dedicated to U.S. prisoners of war and those missing in action, featuring the POW/MIA symbol and its motto, You Are Not Forgotten ---source UP website

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/22 03:10 by dan.

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Date: 11/19/22 22:33
Re: UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019
Author: BlaineM

That is one incredible video.  I have been in that area many times.  Thanks for posting.
American Fork

Date: 11/19/22 22:48
Re: UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019
Author: krm152

Great job!  Thanks for your super posting.

Date: 11/20/22 02:16
Re: UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019, in wyo too
Author: amtrakbill


Thanks for posting. Beautiful area / beautiful train!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/20/22 08:32
Re: UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019, in wyo too
Author: UP951West

Great job on an exciting video of UP 1943 !!! 
( I own a HO Athearn Genesis model of UP 1943 with DCC/ sound .)

Date: 11/20/22 11:30
Re: UP 1943 West along the Colorado in 2019, in wyo too
Author: dan

lets see it some time ! and what you like to pull with it!

her is another longer clip and i'll make one  more of 1943 hopefully soon, other pic and clips are floating around some where on my electrons


1943 today is leaving denver for north platte this pm midtrain   rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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