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Passenger Trains > More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe)Date: 01/20/23 16:06 More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: OnTime #2 has arrived early, or on time, for every scheduled arrival in NOL since Jan 8. Looks like another OT arrival today.
#1 has arrived LAX on time, or early, for every scheduled arrival since Dec 26, except 1/14 (36 mins late) and 1/18 (10) mins late. Has UP gotten the message? Or seasonal downturn in freight traffic? Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/23 16:08 by OnTime. Date: 01/20/23 16:46 Re: More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: dan plus oncoming depression, less goods coming into Long Beach?
Date: 01/20/23 19:14 Re: More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: OmahaTom Unfortunately, I've noticed over the last couple years, that UP dispatchers have adopted an abhorrent (and clearly intentional) practice of occasionally giving Amtrak trains priority only during Amtrak's slowest ridership periods, then, without fail, as soon as the holiday rush hits or as soon as summer break starts, the 8, 12 hour delays start happening. I live 80 yards from the Omaha Amtrak station, so I've become intimately familiar with the Zephyr's arrival/departure times and delays. Last summer, from late May to August 24th, I didn't see ONE #6 arrive even close to on time. Not one... (of course I missed a few here and there) but I witnessed about 90% of the #6's arrive & depart at the depot, and every single one was AT LEAST 7 hours late. Then, magically, the week that most of the kids across the country returned to school for fall semester... the Zephyr started arriving precisely on time, or less than 60 mins behind schedule... This continued all through the fall.September, October & November it had a 95% on time performance... the ... 3 days before Thanksgiving, guess what happened... Three days straight of 8 to 12 hour delays. This continued for a few days after Thanksgiving as well. Then it returned to on time arrivals in December... all the way up to December 23rd... 19 hour delay. This abysmal performace continued until January 5th. Now it's January 20th, and, apart from an 9 hour late arrival today which UP is not at fault for (that delay was b/c of a rock slide in Colorado).
It seems pretty clear to me that up is going out of their way to ruin as many American families traveling experiences as the possibly can. They literally targeting the American traveling public, trying ruin holidays and vacations as much as they can. It's unethical, technically illegal, corrupt, antisocial & borderline psychotic behavior. I honestly thought UP was way better than that, but I'm pretty disgusted by their ugly treatment of Amtrak, not to mention UP's treatment of their employees throught the labor negotions that have been being forced on their workforce, who really didn't ask for very much! UP just shut em down and barely conceded ANYthing. Sorry about the wordy rant, I just had to get a few things off my chest. Thanks for listening, disagrements and different viewpoint are welcomed and encouraged! :) Tom Loftus Omaha, NE Date: 01/21/23 06:16 Re: More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: MEKoch Amen, Tom. AMEN!
Date: 01/21/23 08:51 Re: More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: dan Tom it has to do with the scheduling traffic shift into SLC, when PSR was implemented across Nevada UP knew that not one siding could handle long trains into SLC, yet UP did it anyway, the amount of broken knuckles increased dramatically. UP doesn't care, think last summer they may have got a siding or two lengthened, but obviously it isn't enough they need to be called on the carpet for it.
Date: 01/21/23 10:25 Re: More evidence that STB enforcement threat works (maybe) Author: Milw_E70 OmahaTom Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > They literally targeting the American traveling public, trying ruin holidays and vacations as much as they can The only peoples holidays and vacations that UP intentially likes to ruin are their own employees, they don't give two s---ts what the general public does |