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Passenger Trains > New San Clemente landslide above the track

Date: 03/15/23 22:55
New San Clemente landslide above the track
Author: SDGreg


This new slide location appears to be well north of the pier. In this latest slide, it doesn't appear the land on which the track is located is moving, just the hillside above the track.  I think the ongoing work is well south of the pier, but others more familiar with the work would know better. 

Date: 03/15/23 23:26
Re: New San Clemente landslide above the track
Author: DocJones

That is correct. Slide is 1500 block of Buena Vista. Well north of the pier. Nearer San Clemente Metrolink North Beach station. 

have fun, be safe,
Bruce "Doc" Jones   Sierra Madre CA

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