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Passenger Trains > Empire Builder and Cardinal Trip Report

Date: 03/18/23 10:54
Empire Builder and Cardinal Trip Report
Author: sethamtrak

Empire Builder trip report - www.youtube.com/watch?v=teN-Y1wAu78&ab_channel=JebBrooks

Cardinal trip report (50 terminated due to CSX derailment) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g4IC2zmN0I&ab_channel=JebBrooks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 10:54 by sethamtrak.

Date: 03/18/23 11:50
Re: Empire Builder and Cardinal Trip Report
Author: cabsignaldrop

Jeb Brooks has some good Amtrak trip report videos.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/19/23 07:45
Re: Empire Builder and Cardinal Trip Report
Author: Chessie1963

He is good at it.  I could not help but notice that the Cardinal exterior was filthy.

Date: 03/19/23 08:44
Re: Empire Builder and Cardinal Trip Report
Author: irhoghead

Good trip report on the Empire Builder for sure. They tell it like it is without sugar coating anything. One thing that got my attention was when they started answering questions that people have submitted to them. One of them was, "Why are Amtrak trains always so late?" This is the perception that the general public has of Amtrak, and true or not, it is not something Amtrak never tries to dispel. If I was running a company and that is probably the number one image that my potential customers have of it, I sure would try to dispel that rumor, or at least down play it by highlighting everything else we had to offer. Amtrak just sits on its thumbs.

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