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Passenger Trains > What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) nightDate: 05/18/23 05:06 What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) night Author: scraphauler Silver Star is currently running over 7 hours late just now approaching Savannah GA. Appears it left Tampa about just a few minute late Wednesday evening, then took 5 hours to get to Lakeland - Grade crossing incident? Mechanical failure?
Date: 05/18/23 07:39 Re: What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) n Author: GenePoon Amtrak says "mechanical."
Date: 05/18/23 12:40 Re: What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) n Author: scraphauler Through Aberdeen NC at 2pm, 7 hours down. Nothing special about consist - at least the Cafe, Diner, Sleepers, and Baggage car appeared to be freshly washed. Coaches looked a little dirty.
You must be a registered subscriber to watch videos. Join Today! Date: 05/18/23 13:02 Re: What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) n Author: Notch7 Enjoyed seeing the video. Thanks for posting.
Date: 05/20/23 15:27 Re: What happened to Silver Star 92 in Florida Wednesday (17th) n Author: ProAmtrak Not a bad video of Amtrak 92!