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Passenger Trains > San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down

Date: 05/23/23 10:27
San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: walstib

San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" sign, which towered above the SP tracks by the 7th. Street curve and is visible in generations of train photos, has been taken down.

It's slated to be replaced with a new "Baker & Hamilton" sign that duplicates the original.

SF Gate has the story, along with a history of Baker & Hamilton.

Here's the link:


Date: 05/23/23 11:23
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: CPCoyote

Another piece of history gone.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/23/23 11:47
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: TCnR

Interesting story, they say it's an old sign and deteriorating, which is common to many of us. The article says the letters are being replaced but no mention of the structural framework. The article also details the history and the the new owner.

"Those giant, red-sided steel letters have now become corroded, according to planning documents, and are to be replaced.

After being removed, they’ll be carefully labeled, packaged and shipped off to a facility in Stockton. There, a professional sign fabricator will photograph and “hand trace each letter onto pattern paper.” Once the detailed drawings are approved by the planning department, each of the sign’s 23 characters will be precisely duplicated in powder-coated aluminum.


Date: 05/23/23 12:33
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: hawkfather

From April 12, 1976....

John Hawkins

Date: 05/23/23 12:42
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: walstib

Nice photo!

Date: 05/23/23 13:20
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: ExStarlightHog

I see you also got Sutro Tower in that photo just to the right of the front of the 3209.  As I recall, train 123 was in San Jose Pool 2.  I liked to work pools 1 & 3.  Can't tell who the hogger is, but I'm sure I knew him quite well. 

Date: 05/23/23 15:32
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: kevink

CPCoyote Wrote:
> Another piece of history gone.

Read the linked article, it clearly states the letters are being replaced to match the originals.

Date: 05/23/23 19:39
Re: San Francisco's "Baker & Hamilton" Sign Comes Down
Author: CPCoyote

kevink Wrote:
> CPCoyote Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another piece of history gone.
> >
> Read the linked article, it clearly states the
> letters are being replaced to match the originals.

Yes. I read it after my post. Nice to know that part of history will be preserved.

Posted from iPhone

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