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Passenger Trains > Travels by Gardner

Date: 05/24/23 12:59
Travels by Gardner
Author: amtrakbill

Last week there was a discussion that Mr Gardner the CEO of Amtrak was traveling on the Cardinal

It’s been confirmed that he and Mr Harris the President traveled together on a cross country trip meet Amtrak employees along the way

They took the Cardinal to Chicago and the Texas Eagle to San Antonio and then the Sunset Limited to Los Angeles

I hope they learned a lot along the way

Posted from iPhone

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/23 13:41 by amtrakbill.

Date: 05/24/23 13:34
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: CPMorris

You might be hoping for too much, but I like your subject title -
"Travels By Gardner."  Great title for a YouTube video in which Gardner
and Harris discuss their "travels" ( or travails) and what they "learned."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/23 13:47 by CPMorris.

Date: 05/24/23 14:28
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: joemvcnj

Well they tagged themselves onto two of the most troubled,sickly trains.

Date: 05/24/23 14:33
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: ClubCar

joemvcnj Wrote:
> Well they tagged themselves onto two of the most
> troubled,sickly trains.
But they rode in the comfort of the Amtrak Private Car.  What a joke.  They should have been inside the regular cars and mingled with the paying passengers to see what this travel is really like.  The sooner these guys are replaced, the better for Amtrak.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 05/24/23 14:38
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: joemvcnj

I don't remember the car names, but does the Amfleet one that they used have berths ? 

Date: 05/24/23 14:43
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: jp1822

joemvcnj Wrote:
> I don't remember the car names, but does the
> Amfleet one that they used have berths ? 

Beech Grove - Yes. 

And on the Texas Eagle, there was a Superliner Trans-Dorm Sleeper that was tacked onto the rear so they "could" access the main part of the train. No one has been able to confirm if any others berths in the Superliner Trans-Dorm Sleeper were used - for business or revenue purposes though on the trip.....

Date: 05/24/23 15:27
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: Typhoon

ClubCar Wrote:
> joemvcnj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well they tagged themselves onto two of the
> most
> > troubled,sickly trains.
> But they rode in the comfort of the Amtrak Private
> Car.  What a joke.  They should have been inside
> the regular cars and mingled with the paying
> passengers to see what this travel is really
> like.  The sooner these guys are replaced, the
> better for Amtrak.
> John in White Marsh, Maryland

Maybe they have read the numerous threads on TO about demand being so much higher than capacity and didn't want to further reduce it with themselves.  After all someone who is deliberately "sabotaging" LD trains would do that.  

Date: 05/24/23 15:35
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: pdt

> I hope they learned a lot along the way

Im sure they learned that everything is fine and working well and they are doing a really good job.   Wouldnt be surprised if they are checking the "yes, we ride amtrak trains" box.   Lets see if we get any sort of post mortem report.  LOL   What a bunch of empty suits.

Date: 05/24/23 17:16
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: RRBMail

joemvcnj Wrote:
> I don't remember the car names, but does the
> Amfleet one that they used have berths ? 

Yes, there were berths when I rode it many years ago. 

Date: 05/24/23 20:19
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: 1976steve

I'm certain they experienced the disappearing SCA, the fragrance of the eau de toilet in the sleepers and the grumpiness of the lone attendant in the dining car, Not. The Amtrak officials on this excursion will never know what conditions on a operating train are like and better yet they do not care to know

Date: 05/25/23 03:15
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: joemvcnj

If all Gardner and company needed were berths, could they have not simply deployed Heritage 10-6 Pacific Patrol, and eaten the same grub as everyone else in the main section of the train ? 

Date: 05/25/23 04:31
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: scraphauler

joemvcnj Wrote:
> If all Gardner and company needed were berths,
> could they have not simply deployed Heritage 10-6
> Pacific Patrol, and eaten the same grub as
> everyone else in the main section of the train ? 

Well, they would have to buy or rent it back from New Hope since they disposed of it to them last year.  

Date: 05/25/23 16:41
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: jp1822

scraphauler Wrote:
> joemvcnj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If all Gardner and company needed were berths,
> > could they have not simply deployed Heritage
> 10-6
> > Pacific Patrol, and eaten the same grub as
> > everyone else in the main section of the train
> ? 
> Well, they would have to buy or rent it back from
> New Hope since they disposed of it to them last
> year.  

There were two former Heritage 10-6's converted into business fleet cars post-2007. 

Date: 05/25/23 19:59
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: ProAmtrak

They were probably making plans on which ones they're gonna put on the 180 day notice hit list! All I can say is what was the reason why they took the trains, nobody has been able to confirm that at all!

Date: 05/26/23 07:53
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: lordsigma

It was a trip to ride the three lines they rode and interact with passengers and crew out in the field - basically directly from Roger Harris in a post he made to LinkedIn.

Date: 05/26/23 16:46
Re: Travels by Gardner
Author: ProAmtrak

lordsigma Wrote:
> It was a trip to ride the three lines they rode
> and interact with passengers and crew out in the
> field - basically directly from Roger Harris in a
> post he made to LinkedIn.

So what, that doesn't even hint on their intentions, especially since most of the LD Network's been downgraded for 3 years now,. and you postred in 2 years things'll get better, well with the big downgrade ont he Capitlol, yeah sure it's gonna get better, it's more bull crap by Ammanagment than anything else!

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