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Passenger Trains > Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment ".

Date: 05/25/23 22:22
Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment ".
Author: ApproachCircuit

I have a number of very nice hard back books on the old pullmans with many interior photos but
none showing the toilet. Was it in a small annex?
Or did it "pop out" from a small doored cabinet?


Date: 05/26/23 10:56
Re: Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment "
Author: MEKoch

ATSF had P-S lightweight sleeping cars which had toilets that were under the sink in your bedroom.  When you opened the door beneath the sink, the toilet folded outward.  Your throne was then available!  

As you might guess, these bedrooms were not popular.  People like the enclosed toilet compartment.  

Date: 05/26/23 11:13
Re: Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment "
Author: ts1457

ApproachCircuit Wrote:
> I have a number of very nice hard back books on
> the old pullmans with many interior photos but
> none showing the toilet. Was it in a small annex?
> Or did it "pop out" from a small doored cabinet?

Does not look enclosed from this drawing:

Date: 05/26/23 13:33
Re: Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment "
Author: cph

On the picture, look to the lower left (in Compartments A and B).

The toilet ("hopper") is indicated by a dashed outline, that means it's hidden in/under a cabinet, etc.

In the drawing rooms, the toilet and washstand is in its own room.

Date: 05/26/23 14:01
Re: Toilets on the old heavyweight Pullmans in the "compartment "
Author: ts1457

cph Wrote:
> The toilet ("hopper") is indicated by a dashed
> outline, that means it's hidden in/under a
> cabinet, etc.

I think it's a hinged cover that folds up against the wall.

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