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Passenger Trains > 20:10

Date: 05/29/23 17:09
Author: regalstream1516

The Texas Eagle left San Antonio woefully late on Sunday due to an accident with connecting train #2 near Del Rio the night before.  As a fan of the former Texas Chief, and the Inter-American during the 70's, I must share a neat story from this way-late train.  Train 22 of the 28th made it from Fort Worth to Chicago in twenty hours and ten minutes.  That is an incredible run, one we have not seen in many years.  The Amfleet InterAmerican could run that speed in the late seventies when Amfleet equipment was first introduced.  The Texas Chief/Lone Star could make the run via Oklahoma and Kansas in that time as well.  The Santa Fe was 90 MHP in much of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois.  The Eagle is sad, only four cars with limited service.  But with that stated, it is great, an encouraging to see such a splended run.  Departed Fort Worth at 9:45 pm, arrived Chicago at 5:55 pm.
Happy Memorial Day to All...

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/23 18:24 by regalstream1516.

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