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Passenger Trains > Four Minutes After Sunrise

Date: 05/30/23 22:16
Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: walstib

The Portland-bound Empire Builder rolls past the signal at West Tokio at 5:06 a.m. Tuesday, four minutes after sunrise.

Date: 05/31/23 05:10
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: jcaestecker

That's beautiful.  My former Brit neighbor would have said, "You must have been up at 'sparrow's fart' to bag that one."

Thanks for posting,


Date: 05/31/23 05:13
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: ATSF5669

NICE!!!  You killed it with this shot!  I love pics like this, thanks for taking time to share it!


Date: 05/31/23 06:53
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: 8notch

Using bowling talk, that a perfect shot and score with engine 300 leading the Builder. Gets my vote for IOTD.
Robert in island city Oregon 

Date: 05/31/23 07:11
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: atsf121


Date: 05/31/23 08:26
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: jgilmore

Excellent image!


Date: 05/31/23 08:41
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: OldPorter

Great image Brian, thanks. Where exactly is West Tokio? 

Date: 05/31/23 09:50
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: walstib

It’s between Ritzville and Sprague.

At one time, Tokio had a school, post office, and, I think, a store.

Now, it’s just two old grain elevators along old U.S. Highway 10, and some farms.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/31/23 14:19
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: Contax645

This is awesome!


Date: 05/31/23 16:32
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: Tominde

Definitely an IOTD nomination.  Nicely done.  Can you share your camera settings?

Date: 05/31/23 16:43
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: bmarti7


Date: 05/31/23 18:29
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: bobk

Spectacular shot!!

Date: 05/31/23 21:07
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: goduckies


Posted from Android

Date: 06/01/23 08:08
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: phthithu

Geez talk about incredible timing! Great shot. How far out did you plan this shot? Is it a shot you kind of had in mind and seemed possible on the morning of given the train's location or does the train come through there pretty reliably at that time and you had this partiular morning on the calendar in mind? Based on shots on Taraval St. I would guess you'd have a handful of days where you could get this shot in terms of the sun's position. Must've been a great morning. 

Date: 06/01/23 08:41
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: santafe199

Right place, right time... with unmistakable talent behind the camera. Well done, sir!!! :^)


Date: 06/01/23 16:34
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: 8notch

Congrats on IOTD, well deserving. In fact if they have have Image of the Year (IOTY) it gets my vote too.
Robert in Island City Oregon 

Date: 06/02/23 17:05
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: ns1000

GREAT pic!!

Date: 06/02/23 20:03
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: ProAmtrak

Awesome shot of Amtrak 27!

Posted from Android

Date: 06/02/23 22:50
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: walstib

Thanks for all the compliments, guys. I'm glad you like the photo.

Date: 06/02/23 23:48
Re: Four Minutes After Sunrise
Author: Mgoldman

The elusive Big Yellow Ball makes an appearance - very nicely captured!


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