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Passenger Trains > Auto-Train summer sale

Date: 05/31/23 16:38
Auto-Train summer sale
Author: Lackawanna484

Coach fares as low as $19
Travel by Sept 4
Reserve by June 8

Details at Amtrak.com

Posted from Android

Date: 06/01/23 05:05
Re: Auto-Train summer sale
Author: engineerinvirginia

Got my email...I am sure that goes for a coach seat....I didn't look what roomette and rooms go for but I'd hope they are cheap too. 

Date: 06/01/23 07:47
Re: Auto-Train summer sale
Author: lordsigma

They sometimes do include discounted roomettes and bedrooms too in the auto train sales but no mention of it in this one might just be coach.

Date: 06/01/23 08:40
Re: Auto-Train summer sale
Author: Lackawanna484

lordsigma Wrote:
> They sometimes do include discounted roomettes and
> bedrooms too in the auto train sales but no
> mention of it in this one might just be coach.

You are likely correct.  Sampling a few days in July and August shows the $19 coach fare on all days, and only one day with a roomette under $400. 

The trains appear 30% to 50% full in both directions, which suggests sleepers are mostly full, and coaches are mostly empty.

Date: 06/01/23 10:21
Re: Auto-Train summer sale
Author: Tominde

Can you buy just a coach seat, without the auto?

Posted from Android

Date: 06/01/23 12:43
Re: Auto-Train summer sale
Author: engineerinvirginia

Tominde Wrote:
> Can you buy just a coach seat, without the auto?
> Posted from Android

Nope, on the auto train you have to bring a car or motorcycle, that's what it's there for. Of course it's the best LD train Amtrak has. And I believe that might be how they can sell a coach seat for 19 dollars...they get your auto fare and any food and drinks you might buy from the coach class dining car. ( Still cannot I don't think buy a meal from the First Class diner! though many would like that to come back.) 

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