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Passenger Trains > FL: Some Stuart bridge observations

Date: 09/16/23 12:21
FL: Some Stuart bridge observations
Author: Lackawanna484

I spent some time this week watching the BrightLine testing in Martin County / Stuart. The difference in Stuart draw bridge operation is amazing. Very engaged. For the first time EVER, I saw a train held for the bridge to close.  In 15 years of living in the area, I've never seen that before.  A BrightLine test train was asked to remain south of the bridge and avoid blocking any streets while the bridge went down. Five to seven minutes.

Very disciplined,  For train 206 at Cove Road earlier this week, it took the Form D (etc) through the work areas at 2.29pm, moments later the bridge horns sounded an imminent descent.and the bridge was down by 2.36. Train rolled over it at 2.46. Bridge went up at 2.55. None of the customary bridge down 15-20 minutes before a train arrives.

BrightLine has been testing the crossings at various speeds, using two sets of equipment. Orange and green this week. Mostly between Jensen Beach (mp 257) and Cove Road (mp 267) at Port Salerno. Prior testing has taken place south of Cove Road, and between Jensen Beach and Fort Pierce.  Lots of radio, with flaggers at several, but not all, crossings in the test zone.

My guess is the combination of a new webcam for public viewing of the draw bridge, and a published schedule for openings has caused the two railroads to be much more aware of their role in making a smooth accommodation for all.

Date: 09/16/23 12:23
Re: FL: Some Stuart bridge observations
Author: dan

Date: 09/16/23 18:03
Re: FL: Some Stuart bridge observations
Author: amtrakbill

The scheduled running time of brightline from orlando to Miami was 3:13 minutes before this week

Now all the schedules that are currently published are 15 minutes longer Wonder if this drawbridge caused Brightline to put this time back into the schedule?

Posted from iPhone

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