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Date: 02/09/24 20:33
Filthy Trains
Author: sethamtrak

Seeing how the Cascadss trains look, I figured I would show you all how the Hiawathas look. Now a solid venture set with 90220, and a solid horizon set with solid horizons. 

Date: 02/09/24 20:35
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: sethamtrak

Builder - Clean vs dirty superliner. The sleeper just came out of rehab. 

Builder - Dirty sightseer 

Date: 02/09/24 21:07
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: YSLR131

As a bus driver in Northern California, this is absolutely shameful on Amtrak Management's part. On my Reno/Sparks run, I'm required to clean my bus when I get to the yard after coming down Donner Pass. Every bus in the yard is washed and serviced. Despicable, Amtrak!

Stephen Hjellum
Woodland, CA
Virtual CRCP Railway.

Date: 02/09/24 21:15
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: OnTime

Are these pics of trains at or near the beginning of their runs? If so then shame on Amtrak. Are they pics of trains mid way or near their end points? Then, one might expect to see a dirty train at it's terminal.

Date: 02/10/24 01:45
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: ClubCar

As I have stated on here over and over again, the wrong people are in charge of Amtrak, and they are only concerned that they get their bonus money every year.  Amtrak needs new leadership riight now.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 02/10/24 04:43
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: Englewood

It has been warmer than average in Chicago for at least a week.

Washing is the easiest maintenance to perform.

Makes one wonder how enticing the inreriors are.


Date: 02/10/24 06:08
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: restricted_speed

ClubCar Wrote:
> As I have stated on here over and over again, the
> wrong people are in charge of Amtrak, and they are
> only concerned that they get their bonus money
> every year.  Amtrak needs new leadership riight now.

Changing leadership will do nothing unless the bonus incentive structure is also changed. It will just be a new cast of characters doing the exact same things that are being done now.

Date: 02/10/24 08:28
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: inCHI

OnTime Wrote:
> Are these pics of trains at or near the beginning
> of their runs? If so then shame on Amtrak. Are
> they pics of trains mid way or near their end
> points? Then, one might expect to see a dirty
> train at it's terminal.

For the Hiawatha equipment, it's only a 90 mile run. I would guess that the trainsets are in Chicago overnight every other day, but they never seem to get washed.

Date: 02/10/24 09:05
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: jp1822

restricted_speed Wrote:
> ClubCar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As I have stated on here over and over again,
> the
> > wrong people are in charge of Amtrak, and they
> are
> > only concerned that they get their bonus money
> > every year.  Amtrak needs new leadership
> right now.
> Changing leadership will do nothing unless the
> bonus incentive structure is also changed. It will
> just be a new cast of characters doing the exact
> same things that are being done now.

This is the fundamentals of customer service, offering a good product, offering a good brand, being consistent, etc. Amtrak has failed repeatedly in these areas since 1971. Passengers get the WOW factor when looking out the window and that helps create the good experience. Good experience - people come back. "I boarded a dirty train and the windows were dirty." Yes, that will bring on a flock of new passengers looking for options. Would the Canadian or Rocky Mountaineer be released like this? And don't give me the vacation/hotel train operating gig. Amtrak is not short of money where they can't find some sort of "solution" to this AGE-OLD problem of washing the passenger cars......And its not like this is a "new problem." Its solvable. Absolutely crazy. 

On the other hand, I am thrilled that they at least have ONE solid set of Venture passenger coaches on the Hiawatha line. That's a BIG step forward. Hopefully it lasts and is consistent - if so that will be the first time since their delivery. Anyone counting the days?  

Date: 02/10/24 10:24
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: TAW

Englewood Wrote:
> It has been warmer than average in Chicago for at
> least a week.
> Washing is the easiest maintenance to perform.
> Makes one wonder how enticing the inreriors are.
Might not want to know.


Date: 02/10/24 10:28
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: RichM

I rode 84 from Richmond VA to Philadelphia Tuesday morning and returned Friday on 141. Both trips in business class. Both trains were clean inside and out. Upon arrival in DC northbound, car cleaners came through with the engine change and emptied the trash bins and cleaned the lavatories. Southbound no cleaning but we we were an hour late (some cause north of Philadelphia).that might have caused a cleaning schedule issue.

I may be incorrect but it would appear that the cleaning rack in Sunnyside is working again, and it was pretty cold Sunday and Monday nights in NY. Unscientific study (looking out the window) looked like everything except one Acela set was clean.

Date: 02/10/24 11:15
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: ironmtn

TAW Wrote:
> Englewood Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > It has been warmer than average in Chicago for
> > at least a week.
> >
> > Washing is the easiest maintenance to perform.
> >
> > Makes one wonder how enticing the interior are.
> >
> Might not want to know.

One week ago I rode 370/371 the Pere Marquette into Chicago from Holland, Michigan on Thursday, and back home on Friday.

Same trainset both days. I was in Venture full coach inbound, and in Venture mixed coach - business class outbound. Both cars were quite clean inside and out, both trips. As was exterior of the Charger pulling us.

We had a full Amcafe, a little unusual in the Midwest, not the more usual half cafe booth seating and half business class seats. The car had clearly been shopped recently, with newer wall coverings and ceiling panels with LED lighting, and the booth seats and tables were all looking fresh and bright. Those booth seat cushions can get misshapen over time, but these were all sharp and crisp looking, freshly upholstered and clean and fresh. The car's exterior was clean - I sat in one of the booths for a while on both trips, and the windows were clean.

We also had a Horizon coach tagging along on the rear. It had the refreshed interior with the grey leather seats, and also was fresh and clean inside. But the exterior was quite dirty.

Bottom line: inconsistency, with that dirty exterior on one coach. Such inconsistency is Amtrak's biggest problem in my view. All cars were clean and fresh inside, with newer interiors throughout. Service was fine, a good crew as usual. Good timekeeping, even early. Good handling and dispatching by CSX and NS. Everything worked. A good, comfortable, on-time trip.

But one car was quite dirty outside, though OK inside. Maybe it was switched in, but had not been not washed in a while. But still, how does that happen? Fortunately, that unwashed Horizon wasn't used either way. Most passengers didn't even notice in all likelihood, since the other cars which were occupied all had clean exteriors. That's a lucky break for Amtrak. It would not have left a good impression if occupied, despite the recently updated interior.

Inconsistency in product delivery is a killer in any business. Even with other issues, Amtrak can do well for itself if it can just deliver a reasonably good product...consistently. That's something it unfortunately does not do well.

Posted from Android

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/24 12:47 by ironmtn.

Date: 02/10/24 17:28
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: alan2955

YSLR131 Wrote:
> As a bus driver in Northern California, this is
> absolutely shameful on Amtrak Management's part.
> On my Reno/Sparks run, I'm required to clean my
> bus when I get to the yard after coming down
> Donner Pass. Every bus in the yard is washed and
> serviced. Despicable, Amtrak!

Amtrak, vice president, Roger Harris says washing trains is complicated. And they always whine about environmental regulations. But somehow every bus company, trucking company, airline, and automobile car wash can seem to do it just fine. It’s just shameful how filthy they are sending these trains out. Same story with the silver service to and from Florida. The trains are generally dirty, except for cars that have been cut in from recent periodic maintenance that are shining clean, compared to the rest of the disgusting consist. What the heck is going on here. What a piss, poor image not to mention, you can barely see out the windows. My non train friends saw the Silver Star in Tampa last winter and commented why would anybody want to ride that old rundown train? The only reason it looks old and rundown is because the geniuses at Amtrak can’t be bothered to clean it anymore.

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/24 17:31 by alan2955.

Date: 02/10/24 17:29
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: alan2955

OnTime Wrote:
> Are these pics of trains at or near the beginning
> of their runs? If so then shame on Amtrak. Are
> they pics of trains mid way or near their end
> points? Then, one might expect to see a dirty
> train at it's terminal.
The train are leaving their originating terminals filthy. Just take a look at the silver service trains at Fort Lauderdale, which is a whopping 25 miles from leaving Miami. They look like they haven’t been washed in weeks. I’ve been watching passenger for over 50 years. I know what one trip of dirt looks like versus an accumulation from endless neglect. There’s a big difference.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/10/24 18:18
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: PHall

You know, you guys are really, really good at complaining about dirty trains. Now come up with a workable solution to the problem.
And endlessly complaining about the upper management is NOT a solution.

Date: 02/10/24 18:20
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: goneon66

isn't the solution to any organization's problems the responsibility of that organization's management?


Date: 02/10/24 19:58
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: Englewood

PHall Wrote:
> You know, you guys are really, really good at
> complaining about dirty trains. Now come up with a
> workable solution to the problem.
> And endlessly complaining about the upper
> management is NOT a solution.

When the inbound, empty train is pulled from CUS it runs down the main
to clear Lumber St. then gets the signal to shove in the Washer Lead.

Did it every day for years when I worked there.
Any more questions on how to wash a train ?

Date: 02/10/24 20:18
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: ironmtn

Washer in Chicago appeared to be working just that way when I rode by it last Thursday morning. And as noted above, my train was clean, save for one coach that had been tacked onto the rear and was dirty. But it too should have gone through the washer.


Date: 02/10/24 20:21
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: sethamtrak

PHall Wrote:
> You know, you guys are really, really good at
> complaining about dirty trains. Now come up with a
> workable solution to the problem.
> And endlessly complaining about the upper
> management is NOT a solution.

Pull up to the wash, wash turns on, pull through at walking speed.  Problem solved. 

Date: 02/11/24 11:10
Re: Filthy Trains
Author: PHall

sethamtrak Wrote:
> PHall Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You know, you guys are really, really good at
> > complaining about dirty trains. Now come up with
> a
> > workable solution to the problem.
> > And endlessly complaining about the upper
> > management is NOT a solution.
> Pull up to the wash, wash turns on, pull through
> at walking speed.  Problem solved. 

You left out a part, making sure your "solution" will work. How do you propose to ensure that all consists are washed?

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