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Passenger Trains > New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station

Date: 02/18/24 06:08
New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station
Author: bandob

A platform just for ACELA, more for MARC, changes are coming to Baltimore Penn Station. Changes I was not aware of until reading this article.



Date: 02/18/24 06:33
Re: New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station
Author: joemvcnj

Do Acelas in both direction use that one platform now ? 

Date: 02/18/24 10:00
Re: New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station
Author: jp1822

joemvcnj Wrote:
> Do Acelas in both direction use that one platform
> now ? 

That's going to be a bit impossible with the Acela Scheduling. Also, why the choice to use ALC42s as the backdrop to the ribbon cutting and not an Acela Express train set. It's not that desperate that they couldn't have had a train set there. After all the ALC42s are not even going to serve Baltimore Penn Station. Or better yet, couldn't they have brought down one of the many stored new Avelia train sets from Philadelphia Coach Yard. At least one train set is in test mode. Just seems odd to me to have two Amtrak ALC42 diesel locomotives there. 

Date: 02/18/24 10:41
Re: New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station
Author: BrynMawr

If memory serves, there used to be more platforms and station tracks at Baltimore Penn in the 50s.  Thus, there is plenty of room to add platforms back.   When the new tunnels.that are supposed to be actually built during this century happen, the restored tracks will be useful. 
About which trains to ride, I laugh at the "Acela is the only way to go." nonsense.  The regionals are fast enough  with lower fares.  OTOH, the David Simon repoirtage back when he was a reporter for the Sun (went on to create The Wire) noted that the heroin mules coming down w/ daily deliveries always took the Metroliners (pre acelas).  

Date: 02/18/24 16:33
Re: New platforms at Baltimore Penn Station
Author: jp1822

BrynMawr Wrote:
> If memory serves, there used to be more platforms
> and station tracks at Baltimore Penn in the 50s. 
> Thus, there is plenty of room to add platforms
> back.   When the new tunnels.that are supposed
> to be actually built during this century happen,
> the restored tracks will be useful. 
> About which trains to ride, I laugh at the "Acela
> is the only way to go." nonsense.  The regionals
> are fast enough  with lower fares.  OTOH, the
> David Simon repoirtage back when he was a reporter
> for the Sun (went on to create The Wire) noted
> that the heroin mules coming down w/ daily
> deliveries always took the Metroliners (pre
> acelas).  

There is and were a lot more platforms and at Baltimore Penn Station. About half were rationalized over the years. Now some is coming back onlne via restoration projects. 

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