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Passenger Trains > Throw back Thursday - Rahway, NJ

Date: 02/22/24 20:44
Throw back Thursday - Rahway, NJ
Author: Mgoldman

It's the first thought that came to my mind Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 after capturing the shot and
looking at it in the viewfinder.  So, I guess, a week late, no one can deny it's not a throwback Thursday
shot, lol.  Granted, while being a PRR liveried motor on the NEC, it is indeed an NJT ALP-46A charging
through the 4th incarnation of Rahway Station,was built in 1999.

To my surprise, Rahway - located about 20 minutes south of Newark, NJ, was actaully serviced by
Amtrak between 1971 through November,1975.  The train itself was a surprise as well, sneaking
up on behind me while I was after some glint shots facing the opposite way!

My first post anywhere for 2024 - hope you enjoy!

Plenty more images to share - just haven't had the focus to process much lately. 
Better post this one while it's still Thursday, lol.


Date: 02/22/24 20:47
Re: Throw back Thursday - Rahway, NJ
Author: boejoe

Real nice.

Date: 02/23/24 06:04
Re: Throw back Thursday - Rahway, NJ
Author: Lackawanna484


Rahway and Linden both have a few faded  red Pennsylvania Railroad "stay off the tracks" signs on the inter track fences  They must be 50+ years old. 

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