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Passenger Trains > Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)

Date: 04/15/24 08:47
Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)
Author: Agent

The three private cars that were dropped off in Denver on Thursday ( https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?4,5846661 ) are now riding toward Chicago today on the end of Amtrak #6(13).  I caught this eastbound California Zephyr running eight minutes late at Agency, Iowa.

1) The engineer gave a friendly wave coming by.

2) As reported in previous threads, the cars are Caritas, Lucky, and Stanley.

3) Former Missouri-Kansas-Texas 403.

Date: 04/15/24 08:50
Re: Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)
Author: Agent

4-6) Dome car bringing up the rear.

Date: 04/15/24 09:01
Re: Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)
Author: dan

shades drawn no pax to be  seen, shakedown  tour?

Date: 04/15/24 17:07
Re: Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)
Author: sethamtrak

dan Wrote:
> shades drawn no pax to be  seen, shakedown 
> tour?

No, it is a MSP-Chicago-LA-Oakland-Chicago-MSP trip. The cars are occupied. Nobody would waste 100K in mileage for a shakedown!

Date: 04/15/24 19:53
Re: Three PVs on Amtrak #6(13)
Author: dan

I was thinking of it maybe the the donor that got the Silvis shops going, but in looking at everyones photos, you don't see anyone on board shades are drawn, similar to the previous owner of the cars, all thou his parties would have a few open.

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