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Passenger Trains > 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado

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Date: 04/17/24 13:11
30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: 37176

Noted from my 5hr late #5 yesterday:

The entire consist of the 30Jan2024 Keenseburg milk truck wreck of #6 is parked on the loop tracks at the oil terminal east of Keenesburg.

All cars appear undamaged and fit for service. Impounded? Insurance related?

Inquired of my mate Pumpkinhogger as to their status, he sez:
"They could move them if they wanted to, clearly they do not.
Being left to rot for no reason whatsoever by critically equipment-short Amtrak.
Just another way to keep the bonus up and keep the ridership down; anything to cut the long-hauls off at the knees."

Rugby UK

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/24 13:19 by 37176.

Date: 04/17/24 13:58
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: dan

wonder how the recovery of engineer is progressing?

maybe the amtrak and western dairy cooperative are trying to settle this out here?

behind a fence at least, a lot of cars had fires nearby in hudson when roaring fork stored their cars there awaiting auction many years ago

Date: 04/17/24 14:36
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: CubsFanJohn

Not to defend Amtrak but I'm wondering if the NTSB hasn't released it from being investigated yet?

Posted from Android

Date: 04/17/24 14:52
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: dan

maybe waiting for semis worth of wheels?  

Date: 04/17/24 15:36
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: jp1822

The cars that were involved in the wreck in Joplin, MT were moved back to Beech Grove faster - and that had a much more complex case, with two totally wrecked cars beyond repair, and more injuries and several fatalities etc. This is just absolutely ridiculous. They could at least get them protected by moving them back to Denver. I am cognizant of the NTSB investigation that has to get done, as well as the insurance claims etc.  

Date: 04/17/24 16:17
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: BrynMawr

Running out of room at Beech Grove...

Date: 04/17/24 16:18
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: PHall

If this concerns you guys so much why not send Amtrak a little reminder that they left their toys out and that they need to come back and put them away.

Date: 04/17/24 17:02
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: longliveSP

More arm-chair back-seat quarterbacks complaining about something when they have no direct knowledge of the facts.

Date: 04/17/24 17:36
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: lordsigma

Rampant armchair speculation on a situation where people were injured based on no knowledge of the situation. The injection of bonuses into literally every discussion is really obnoxious and getting old - as if Amtrak is the only company in the world where managers get bonuses.

Date: 04/17/24 18:15
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: westcoastrails

A shame that equipment is still there, yes but I'd really like to know how the crew is doing, mainly the engineer.

Date: 04/18/24 01:11
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: mp51w

That's hard to believe they haven't moved those cars!
They probably all require some underbody and truck work.
I guess they decided they can sit in a secured location until they can fix them.
Maybe BNSF has not cleared them to move, even at restricted speed?
I wonder if the milk truck cab is back in service?  LOL!

Date: 04/18/24 01:30
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: dan

not sure if they all derailed?    they may have now that i think about

Date: 04/18/24 03:54
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: joemvcnj

Maybe they are trying to sell them to the farmer who may want a storage shed.

Date: 04/18/24 08:40
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: alan2955

BrynMawr Wrote:
> Running out of room at Beech Grove...

Hardly. Beech Grove has been majorly cleaned out. There’s plenty of room. I live 2 miles from it and drive by it all the time.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 04/18/24 09:46
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: cabman

Totally agree with longliveSP and lord sigma earlier.  We have far too many speculaters on TO with nothing better to do.


Date: 04/18/24 10:40
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: PHall

cabman Wrote:
> Totally agree with longliveSP and lord sigma
> earlier.  We have far too many speculaters on TO
> with nothing better to do.

It's the Train Orders thing to do.

Date: 04/18/24 15:09
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: westcoastrails

cabman Wrote:
> Totally agree with longliveSP and lord sigma
> earlier.  We have far too many speculaters on TO
> with nothing better to do.

Surprised those comments came before the ones asking how the engineer is.

Date: 04/18/24 16:55
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: dan

i did in  the first reply!  i asked a conductor, just said he was alive and recovering...hopefully in his home state?

Date: 04/18/24 18:52
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: Pig-Mauler

After the Metrolink Glendale accident in the early 2000's, the cars sat in a nearby lot for 3 years until NTSB completed the investigation.

Date: 04/18/24 19:45
Re: 30Jan2024 #6 CZ Wreck Consist: Rotting Away in Colorado
Author: Pioneer2526

Suprised the homeless has not set up camp in them yet lol

Posted from iPhone

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