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Passenger Trains > Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago

Date: 04/19/24 12:57
Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: TheButcherofBena

To anybody who's been to Dearborn station during the pre-Amtrak passenger era, or observed photography from that era; you most likely saw and remember a large "Lee Overalls" advertisement on the wall of a building adjacent to  Dearborn.  In the 1980's I had the opportunity to visit Chicago and found many historic spots from that great era, however I neglected to see if that iconic ad was still present back then. Can anyone advise if that building and the Lee Overalls ad still exist?  Based on photos, the building was across the street from the station.  What a dummy, I saw Dearborn but forgot about Lee's overalls.  Even worse, I wore the stupid overalls as an Engineer....happily retired and look forward to another visit to Chicago.  Last time I was there, my visit consisted of transferring from Amtrak #6 to a Hiawatha Service train so no time to go by Dearborn.  Anyway, thanks for any information someone in the know might provide.   

Date: 04/19/24 13:59
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: Hou74-76

It's still there as of 2021. Faded and somewhat altered by building changes.  Not restored if that is what you mean.
My photo.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/24 14:01 by Hou74-76.

Date: 04/19/24 14:01
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: czephyr17

I just looked on Google Earth street view and saw the same image.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 04/19/24 14:29
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: Hou74-76

Here's a photo by William A Shaffer circa 1978.  The train shed and platforms demolished but Dearborn station head house intact. The Lee sign is more detailed and colorful.

I suggest this website for more Dearborn historic views.



Date: 04/19/24 14:54
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: TheButcherofBena

Thanks guys!  Another reminder to make a good pre-trip list of places to check out, keep track, and record all points of interest.  Kind of nice to know it's not completely gone.  

Date: 04/19/24 18:44
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: wabash2800

Thanks for sharing. I never could understand why the lines that utliized Dearborn couldn't have a better station. And Santa Fe's flagships were routed out of there... Yes, I know it burned years before and looked different than when it was built. But apparently no one wanted to spend the money long before passenger trains became passe.

Victor Baird

Date: 04/20/24 06:41
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: CP8888

Dearborn Station was owned by the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad a switching road. Obviously not much money there for an ornate station although it was used by six railroads.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/24 07:16 by CP8888.

Date: 04/20/24 11:46
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: wabash2800

Yes, and the CWI was owned by those railroads wasn't it? It was not unusual for railroads to jointly own terminal railroads with much better stations. Examples were included across the nation.

Victor Baird

CP8888 Wrote:
> Dearborn Station was owned by the Chicago and
> Western Indiana Railroad a switching road.
> Obviously not much money there for an ornate
> station although it was used by six railroads.

Date: 04/20/24 15:27
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: UP951West

Santa Fe was a tenant , but the other roads owned shares in Dearborn through the C&WI. 

Date: 04/20/24 17:47
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: DNRY122

When I visited Chicago in Sept 1971, Santa Fe had relocated from Dearborn to Union Station.  I got this photo of the abandoned station, which looked like it had been built as a temporary facility ages ago but never upgraded.  The Market St. Ry./SF Muni Elkton Shops came to mind.  When it was time to head back to California, I took the second photo inside Union Station, where the added Santa Fe was just barely visible.  This was after Amtrak took over, but Santa Fe was running 17 and 18 just like they always had; about the only changes were in the paper work.

Date: 04/21/24 08:59
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: Englewood

As has been stated the station was owned by the C&WI and ATSF was a tenant.
The interior had been remodeled/modernized in the late 50's or early 60's.

Before the era of the government dropping money from the sky for high speed rail, etc., 
private firms were footing the bill.  When the C&WI management went to the board (the six owners)
with plans for improvement each company wanted to get something out of it.

Did the Monon with one train or the GTW want the C&WI to spend money on Dearborn to benefit mostly the 
ATSF, C&EI or Erie ? 

In addition the City of Chicago was constantly coming up with plans to consolidate the south side stations.
Nothing ever happened with that but the railroads were not going to throw money at Dearborn when the 
city might finally come up with a plan that would move trains out of Dearborn.

Date: 04/22/24 01:41
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: mp51w

That's a neat shot of the CUS signage.  I like the silhouettes in front of the departure board.

Date: 04/22/24 05:27
Re: Wall Advertisement - Dearborn Station Chicago
Author: Englewood

mp51w Wrote:
> That's a neat shot of the CUS signage.  I like
> the silhouettes in front of the departure board.

That is the concourse information bureau desk.
Arrival time info was also posted.

Interesting that "Santa Fe" had been added to that illuminated sign.
Must have been shortly after May 1, 1971.  A time when the railroads
were still pretty much in charge. Before amtrak really took charge to make
the trains worth traveling again.

ATSF went from being a tenent at Dearborn St. to being a tenent at CUS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/24 05:33 by Englewood.

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