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Passenger Trains > Amtrak Gift Cards

Date: 04/20/24 13:09
Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: walstib

I have two friends with kids graduating high school this season. Instead of getting them some graduation gift that will only gather dust, I thought it would be cool to get them each an Amtrak gift card.

Then they can chart their own adventure, and make some memories.

I am interested if anyone here has any experience with Amtrak gift cards — good, bad, or otherwise.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 04/20/24 13:22
Re: Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: lordsigma

I have been gifted Amtrak gift cards a number of times. They worked out just fine. Not a hastle at all to use.

Date: 04/20/24 16:09
Re: Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: jp1822

lordsigma Wrote:
> I have been gifted Amtrak gift cards a number of
> times. They worked out just fine. Not a hastle at
> all to use.

Same here, and agree. Easy to purchase, and easy to use. 

Date: 04/20/24 17:33
Re: Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: RockyGoat

Wife and I received a $100 gift card in 2018. Used it to buy tix, then The Rona hit. Cancelled the trip, $$ was refunded back to the credit card and the gift card funds were returned as an Amtrak credit with a 12 month expiration. i was ok with that since it was supposed to be "2 weeks to flatten the curve". 
Poof, the $$ vaporized.

As a general rule, cash is king unless the gift card is sold at a discount.

Date: 04/21/24 09:56
Re: Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: DutchDragon

Do these kids know anything about Amtrak or traveling by train (or travelling in general)? If not Amtrak gift cards are probably not a good idea.

Date: 04/21/24 10:18
Re: Amtrak Gift Cards
Author: ts1457

RockyGoat Wrote:
> As a general rule, cash is king unless the gift
> card is sold at a discount.

Yeah! Take something with perfect utility - cash, and transform it into something which conveys a judgment on what the recipient should use the gift for.

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