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Passenger Trains > Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)

Date: 08/31/24 15:42
Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)
Author: Agent

On Monday, I caught the westbound California Zephyr as it came through Agency, Iowa with the two private cars from Patrick Henry Creative Promotions on the end.  In addition to the private varnish, this #5 also had "Polar Express" decals on the baggage car and a P42 repainted in Phase VII second out.  Also, the radio caught the engineer telling the conductor to report to CNOC that the air conditioning in the lead unit had stopped working.  Not fun on a day when the heat index had reached 100°F.  Hopefully a fix was found as this engine led #6(29) back to Chicago.

AMTK 167 P42DC
61056 baggage car
39041 transition dormitory car
32001 sleeping car
32050 sleeping car
38049 dining car
33029 sightseer lounge
34084 coach
31027 baggage-coach
WRHX 800149 Evelyn A. Henry sleeping car
WRHX 800148 Warren R. Henry dome lounge

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Date: 08/31/24 18:03
Re: Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)
Author: ThunderMountain

Great video.  Thanks. Looks like those on board were having fun with their tail lights.

Date: 08/31/24 18:21
Re: Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)
Author: sethamtrak

ThunderMountain Wrote:
> Great video.  Thanks. Looks like those on board
> were having fun with their tail lights.

When you can't stand on the platform and wave, it is the next best thing. 

Date: 08/31/24 22:05
Re: Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)
Author: NPRocky

Sleeper 32050 is just back from the Empire Builder wreck at Joplin, Montana.  It was a Seattle sleeper that day and derailed but didn't overturn.

Date: 09/01/24 02:06
Re: Patrick Henry Cars on #5(26)
Author: dan

good news on that car

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