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Passenger Trains > Labor Day free rides on NJT

Date: 09/03/24 15:06
Labor Day free rides on NJT
Author: thebluecomet

After several weeks of home renovations and setting up my daughters big party for her friends, I finally had a day to myself.  Taking advantage of the final day of the fare holiday by New Jersey Transit I headed over to Bay Head for a trip up the Coast Line and some time in northern NJ.  The Coast Line trains were very crowded and with almost all weekend trains making every single stop the ride to Secaucus was a 2 hour, 15 minute slog.  Noticed all Trenton and Coast Line trains were SRO through Secaucus all day with M&E trains about normal.  Trains down on the Hoboken side seemed about average also.  After spending about an hour at Secaucus Jct., I hopped a Mainline train to Suffern and later came back down to Hoboken via the Bergen County Line (more on that in a different post).  Had a great lunch at an outdoor cafe overlooking the Hudson River and the NYC skyline before trying out the Hudson-Bergen Light rail Lines.  They were very crowded through downtown Jersey City and having been born there and having numerous visits back in the bad old days of the 1970's I was completely blown away at the total revitalization of the city.  Every building, save a few, was brand new with many high rise office towers and apartments, upscale shops, hundreds of people walking around and the waterfront walkways and parks was just mind-boggling to someone having seen what it used to be.

Anyway, here are a few samples from Secaucus Jct to start.

1.  An Amtrak headed for New York rushes through on track 2.

2. Not the best angle, but the wide angle lens brought out the rich colors of the sky and the motor.  Train is headed south entering the north side of the station.

3.  My ride to Suffern, train 1713, arriving on the lower level.  The small gap between the station and the New Jersey Turnpike overpass provided a glimpse of sunshine.

Date: 09/03/24 15:11
Re: Labor Day free rides on NJT
Author: thebluecomet

A few at Hoboken.

4.  NJT 4206, built as Penn Central 3220 in 1968, on a train ready to depart.

5.  As viewed from an actual clean window on a NJT train finds 4300 in the yard. Those high rise buildings are in Jersey City.  The terminal area forms the south end of Hoboken City.

6. View from the Hoboken Promenade walkway after finishing a great burger and local Hoboken IPA Brewery glass of beer.  You can poke fun at New Jersey all you want, but if you really knew what there is here, you would never do it again.  

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/24 15:12 by thebluecomet.

Date: 09/03/24 16:07
Re: Labor Day free rides on NJT
Author: Lackawanna484

Sounds like you had a great trip. Hoboken is a wonderful town, much in demand by young folks.

Posted from Android

Date: 09/03/24 16:09
Re: Labor Day free rides on NJT
Author: thebluecomet

By early evening it was time to head back down to Bay Head from Secaucus Jct.  Here are a few images from around 7pm Monday.


Date: 09/03/24 16:23
Re: Labor Day free rides on NJT
Author: boejoe

Great shots.  Glad you had a fine day.

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