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Passenger Trains > New Venture Cars a blast from the past

Date: 09/30/24 20:31
New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: cabsignaldrop

Well for those who miss the amazing feature of water, both a/c condensation and rainwater pouring in from the ceiling onto your lap or back from Amfleet equipment, fear not!

A video taken today on The Michigan Line Facebook page shows water pouring onto the floor from the ceiling on a Blue Water train Venture car.

I was often worried the horrible seats and blinding interrogation style lighting would not make me uncomfortable enough. But having ice cold water pour down on one from above should complete the ensemble. Hurray for new equipment! Can't wait to see the dehumanizing features on the new Airo trainsets

Posted from Android

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/24 20:46 by cabsignaldrop.

Date: 09/30/24 21:57
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: SP4360

Getting me to drive my trips with each passing day.  Just about ready to dump 86750 points. 

Date: 09/30/24 22:11
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: goduckies

Lol.. I liked the cars

Posted from Android

Date: 10/01/24 05:35
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: ronald321

To those who like these cars -- well, to each  his own.

Their ride quality is superior--and they look great from the outside.

But, once inside, and you sit down in those seats, the Honeymoon is over.

If these seats were replaced--these cars would be great.


Date: 10/01/24 08:28
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: joemvcnj

There are safety issues with the luggage racks. There are no horizontal or vertical aluminum bars or straps. All Amtrak equipment had been so equipped to inhibit luggage from flying as far in derailments.The legacy VIA equipment have lids that snap shut like on a bus or plane. 

The lack of track seating, track lighting that can't be twisted in another direction, allow the seat seat pitch to be adjusted a few inches around window pillars, or spread out in first/business class, one bathroom per car, and first/business class seats that could have been made 33% wider without affecting aisle width, and EurAsian slide-out seat bottom crap rather than recline are all design flaws.  All these railroads have allowed themselves to be bullied into Siemens' take-it-or-leave it attitude. Leave it to them to re-invent the wheel and get a hexagon. 

I sat over the trucks on a couple of VIA trains. They are no smoother than any legacy equipment. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/24 09:51 by joemvcnj.

Date: 10/01/24 08:44
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: restricted_speed

Here is the video.

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Date: 10/01/24 09:49
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: Typhoon

That's "pouring"?   LOL.  

Date: 10/01/24 09:53
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: joemvcnj

More than enough to cause a physical liability or workman's comp issue. 
Does Siemens think these can be built like Montreal subway cars which need not be weather-proof ? 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/24 10:24 by joemvcnj.

Date: 10/01/24 10:05
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: steve4031

Unacceptable.  Amtrak needs to send this car back to Seimans for repair.  It's frustrating that so many people in this country are unable to do their jobs correctly.  

Date: 10/01/24 10:26
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: joemvcnj

steve4031 Wrote:
> Unacceptable.  Amtrak needs to send this car back
> to Seimans for repair.  It's frustrating that so
> many people in this country are unable to do their jobs correctly.  

And Siemens will say, no maintenance contract - tuff $h!t, fabricate your own spare parts, we have none for you. 

Date: 10/01/24 10:27
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: amtrakbill

Looks like a maintenance issue

Need to keep the drip pans clean that collect condensation

Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/01/24 11:12
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: Englewood

amtrakbill Wrote:
> Looks like a maintenance issue
> Need to keep the drip pans clean that collect
> condensation

amtrak don't do maintenance

Date: 10/01/24 11:30
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: PHall

amtrakbill Wrote:
> Looks like a maintenance issue
> Need to keep the drip pans clean that collect
> condensation
> Posted from iPhone

No, you gotta keep the drip pan drains clear so the pans will drain and not overflow.

Date: 10/01/24 12:51
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: restricted_speed

Typhoon Wrote:
> That's "pouring"?   LOL.  
It's not dripping. It's a steady stream of water.

Posted from Android

Date: 10/01/24 13:16
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: Typhoon

restricted_speed Wrote:
> Typhoon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That's "pouring"?   LOL.  
> It's not dripping. It's a steady stream of water.
> Posted from Android

It isn't pouring.  And I agree, it looks like the AC drain pan is overflowing.   

Date: 10/01/24 13:31
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: steve4031

That would not be a Siemens issue.  As others have said, keeping the drip pans clean would solve the problem.  I needed to be quiet since I did not understand what was happening.  I assumed it was raining out.  

Date: 10/01/24 13:41
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: joemvcnj

steve4031 Wrote:
> That would not be a Siemens issue.  As others
> have said, keeping the drip pans clean would solve
> the problem.  I needed to be quiet since I did
> not understand what was happening.  I assumed it
> was raining out.  

I thought I heard rain in the video and a quick glance at a puddle out the window.

Date: 10/02/24 01:35
Re: New Venture Cars a blast from the past
Author: coach

Maybe that's where you fill your water bottle..??  :-)

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