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Passenger Trains > Crossing Wreck Pond

Date: 10/26/24 20:32
Crossing Wreck Pond
Author: thebluecomet

A little creative work can make ordinary trains look good.  The immediate shore area near the Atlantic Ocean usually gets color in the trees much later than elsewhere.  The rather dry weather recently has moved things up a bit.

Southbound Long Branch to Bay Head shuttle crossing the Wreck Pond bridge between Spring Lake and Sea Girt, NJ on the North Jersey Coast Line, October 26, 2024.

Is it just me or do those units look like a good gust of wind will knock them over?

Finally, 4501 pushes a train north toward Long Branch as viewed from the west side.  This small fresh water pond is just feet from the ocean and was once filthy dirty thanks to fertilizer runoff and lack of drainage.  A comprehensive cleanup has given it new life.

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