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Passenger Trains > Afternoon Action at Grundy

Date: 11/24/24 06:31
Afternoon Action at Grundy
Author: thebluecomet

Just south of Grundy interlocking is an open spot normally used by trucks making deliveries to a lumberyard.  Since they are closed on weekends, it is quiet and wide open for photos.  Here is a random sample taken November 2, 2024 in the late afternoon.  This location is just north of Bristol, PA at the PA Turnpike-Route 13 interchange.  Turn down Green Lane to the railroad overpass.

A long lens will allow you to "reach" in to get the tower and signals without trespassing.

The large bridge over top is the Pennsylvania Turnpike-New Jersey Turnpike connector bridge over the Delaware River.

Numerous active sidings still exist in this area for local freight customers.


Date: 11/24/24 06:35
Re: Afternoon Action at Grundy
Author: thebluecomet

A more wide angle view of train 19, The Crescent, from the parking area.

Veterans motor, 642, on a northbound.  The orientation of the tracks makes this tough on northbound and morning shots.  An overcast day would work better for those.

Date: 11/24/24 06:37
Re: Afternoon Action at Grundy
Author: thebluecomet

A northbound Acela sequence.  Septa runs trains on an hourly schedule using their Silverliner 4's and Silverliner 5's.

Date: 11/25/24 17:26
Re: Afternoon Action at Grundy
Author: quentin956

Sure doesn't look like Grundy VA! Additional location information would be helpful (I do recognize the NE Corridor).

Date: 11/25/24 19:21
Re: Afternoon Action at Grundy
Author: cabsignaldrop

Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing. Nice long consists on the NEC for sure...

Posted from Android

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