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Passenger Trains > That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ

Date: 11/25/24 04:58
That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ
Author: tferk

The Southwest Chief normally visits my neck of the woods in evening darkness.  Due to hitting a vehicle in Wagon Mound, NM, on Saturday which resulted in needing to replace lead unit #76 with BNSF 4678, #3 was 17 hours-32 minutes late out of Flagstaff, AZ, yesterday.  Here it is nearing the top of the Arizona Divide west of Flagstaff.

Ted Ferkenhoff
Flagstaff, AZ

Date: 11/25/24 08:52
Re: That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ
Author: GP25

That is a great picture

Jerry Martin
Los Angeles, CA
Central Coast Railroad Festival

Date: 11/25/24 09:20
Re: That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ
Author: cozephyr

Thanks for catching the late running Amtrak train #3 after its troubles in New Mexico this past weekend.

Date: 11/25/24 15:47
Re: That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ
Author: jp1822

Nice picture! So the Southwest Chief has lost its second Superliner Sleeper????? Are we back to playing capacity games. This train ALWAYS had a minimum of two full Superliner Sleepers year-round. And they have the Sleepers from the Capitol Limited train set - they all aren't going to the Auto Train for snowbird season! UGH! MANY people from Chiacgo head to winter in the Southwest. 

Presume LA has to come up with some sort of "make-up train set" for all these late #3's that have been happening? Can they "rob Peter to pay Paul" between SOuthwest Chief and Sunset Limited train sets? That's typically what happens!!!!!!

Date: 11/25/24 22:51
Re: That Very Late Southwest Chief #3-22 in AZ
Author: ProAmtrak

Nice shot Ted!

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