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Passenger Trains > Borealis 1340

Date: 01/05/25 10:29
Borealis 1340
Author: sethamtrak

1340 canned today. Will be an equipment move to Chicago only. Only two working toilets on the whole train. Guess passengers will be bussed to Chicago. I hear that the equipment move did depart on-time out of St Paul, nonstop to Milwaukee for a crew change. 

Wonder what will happen to train 341 tonight which leaves Chicago 20:05, as this equipment is a Borealis turn. Last night it was a bus because 1340 was one hour late into Chicago and would've resulted in a late turn for 341. I will say that the bus did arrive on-time into Glenview last night. 341's late turn equipment went by at about 9:15pm, 45 mins late. They came back to Chicago this morning as 332 which was on-time. So was the Borealis 1333 today. 

Video is train 332 passing through Morton Grove on-time this morning. 

It would honestly be better at this point to completely separate the 1333 and 1340 from the Hiawatha. Have four trainsets (two Hiawatha and two Borealis). That way the Hiawathas are back to their old schedules and rotations. Slot the Borealis between 331 and 333 and 340 and 342. That way the set overnights in Chicago for servicing. Make it a Chicago-Milwaukee daytime sit and back to Chicago job or a Milwaukee to Chicago crew that overnights just like 342 to 329 does. 

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Date: 01/05/25 12:49
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: mp51w

Especially makes sense for a Winter schedule Seth!

Date: 01/05/25 15:34
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: GP25

I'm guessing Amtrak doesn't have a service facility in Minneapolis to service the train yet

Jerry Martin
Los Angeles, CA
Central Coast Railroad Festival

Date: 01/06/25 07:23
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: DutchDragon

How many riders would you lose if everyone was forced to change trains in Milwaukee? What would happen in either the Hiawatha or Borealis were delayed and there was a misconnection?

Date: 01/06/25 08:08
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: commissioner

I believe they can fill the cars with water if need be at St. Paul but that's pretty much it, and I havent heard of anything being built and not holding my breath either.

Mark Kennebeck
Saint Paul, MN

Date: 01/07/25 01:14
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: GenePoon

Somebody forgot to plug the train in to station power and the toilets froze.

Some people can screw up anything...

Date: 01/07/25 09:57
Re: Borealis 1340
Author: Dcmcrider

Any servicing that takes place is in the Great Outdoors just east of St Paul Union Depot. There's a dedicated layover track. I assume they dump the toilets, refill with water, etc.

There's no excuse for the consist "freezing up." If shore power is not available, the thing runs with two locomotives. Plenty of HEP.

Paul Wilson
Arlington, VA

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