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Passenger Trains > Winter Park Express - Growing by Two CarsDate: 01/05/25 12:40 Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: ColoradoRailfan Happy Sunday-
Got word that tomorrow nights #6 into Denver will have two extra coaches that will be dropped off in Denver and added to the Winter Park Express for the rest of the season, starting with its run next Thursday. That'll be six total coaches/coach baggage, plus one sightseer lounge in the middle. Train is running five days a week, Thursday through Monday, through the end of March. Kevin Morgan Arvada, CO ColoradoRailfan.com Date: 01/05/25 15:30 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: GP25 I wish the Reno Fun/Show trains would return.
Jerry Martin Los Angeles, CA Central Coast Railroad Festival Date: 01/05/25 16:36 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: PHall GP25 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I wish the Reno Fun/Show trains would return. Just gotta find a contractor who has the equipment and someone to market the service. Good luck getting UP to let you run on their overburdened Donner Pass line. Date: 01/05/25 17:46 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: bmarti7 Hey Kevin- I did not know that the Winter Park platform was that long.
FYI - Chiefs can't get back to KC tonight-weather. PCBill Date: 01/05/25 18:25 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: DavidP Nice to see this train growing! Does the state or other entity provide any support, or is it strictly an Amtrak operation?
Dave Date: 01/06/25 02:33 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: dan the platform was quite expensive at winter park, with Cdot, local govt and fed funds(grant) ? and the ski area covering the rest, i can't remember
so CDOT came up with 2 million up front? , the ski area guarantees it will not loose money, CDOT is helping Sponser the fares supposedly this year resulting in fares starting at $19 one way, is what they said but i thought we had fares at this bucket before or near, maybe more this year or on peak days? Amtrak had to have their arm twisted to make money here...the intiative was locally generated, with CZ Amtrak conductor Brad S. spearheading the effort, and he found some friendly ears eventually at Amtrak back east, and it still took years to get going ... and PV operators have been shut out, all thou the initial biz plan included it. Slamming the door on more pure revenue aka profit. Ansco would bring their 3 PV cars? up from Arizona plus others offers. Richard Lukins latest ski train film, you will see these folks talk about it, you guys should see it soon I would hope on PBS, not be confused with earlier ski train shows also on PBS. interesting to see the future if cdot starts running trips if better choices will be made. Remember before Amtrak stepped up to the plate, later reneging on some of their approvals, and bent over backwards to thwart IP running it, and Amtrak lost it's court case , but having Amtrak run it results in the lowest possible fare structure I believe, and the superliner coach baggs are perfect for this assignment. Volunteers from Colo rail help too. Date: 01/06/25 05:42 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: joemvcnj Some of the results of redeploying Capitol Ltd equipment.
I'd rather see Horizon/Amfleet on the Oklahoma train to release more Superliners. They can deadhead on the head end of the Eagle when need be. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/25 07:08 by joemvcnj. Date: 01/06/25 06:40 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: DutchDragon joemvcnj Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Some of the results of redeploying Capitol Ltd > equipment. > I'd rather see Horizon/Amfleet on the Oklahoma > train to release more Superliners. The can > deadhead on the head end of the Eagle when need > be. I don't think Fort Worth has the parts or the knowledge to maintain Horizon/Amfleet. Date: 01/06/25 07:55 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: sethamtrak Wonder where these two extra coaches came from? Guess the Starlight pool since they are coming out of Oakland on 6? LA?
Date: 01/06/25 16:28 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: DavidP sethamtrak Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Wonder where these two extra coaches came from? > Guess the Starlight pool since they are coming out > of Oakland on 6? LA? Are some being released from Surfliner service with Cal Cars being redeployed off the San Joaquins? Dave Date: 01/06/25 16:53 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: dan sethamtrak Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Wonder where these two extra coaches came from? > Guess the Starlight pool since they are coming out > of Oakland on 6? LA?\ I was guesing they came up from LA to Emy last year? to get on number 6 to denver, if anyone can find the threads from last jan. I would have guessed any extra cars would be the endpoints, they keep some in EMY too? How many extra supers are there normally? #6 CZ past the arvada cam@ 511pm or 1711 for the rewind --had three extra cars it was mentioned only 2 for WPE gonna go watch now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUdVtKcprJU Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/25 16:59 by dan. Date: 01/07/25 14:35 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: PHall DavidP Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > sethamtrak Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Wonder where these two extra coaches came from? > > Guess the Starlight pool since they are coming > out > > of Oakland on 6? LA? > > Are some being released from Surfliner service > with Cal Cars being redeployed off the San > Joaquins? > > Dave I've seen no evidence of this, just about every Surfliner consist has a Superliner coach in it. And I've seen a number of consists with both a Superliner and a Cal Car in them too. Date: 01/07/25 14:52 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: jp1822 DutchDragon Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > joemvcnj Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Some of the results of redeploying Capitol Ltd > > equipment. > > I'd rather see Horizon/Amfleet on the Oklahoma > > train to release more Superliners. The can > > deadhead on the head end of the Eagle when need > > be. > > I don't think Fort Worth has the parts or the > knowledge to maintain Horizon/Amfleet. Well, they had to learn how to maintain the Superliners that are here! The modified ex-AT&SF Hi-Levels should have stayed on the Heartland route if they couldn't have replaced it with non-Superliner equipment. Date: 01/10/25 15:50 Re: Winter Park Express - Growing by Two Cars Author: brc600 All of the ex AT&SF Hi-Levels would be perfect for Reno Fun Train and Winter Park ski service. Where are these cars now? (I know around the country, but specific.
PHall Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > GP25 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I wish the Reno Fun/Show trains would return. > > Just gotta find a contractor who has the equipment > and someone to market the service. > Good luck getting UP to let you run on their > overburdened Donner Pass line. |