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Passenger Trains > former B&O coach where is it now?

Date: 01/06/25 10:45
former B&O coach where is it now?
Author: ClubCar

The attached photo shows an ex-B&O coach #3502 in Pittsburgh's B&O Station (that is long gone).  This car was originally  B&O coach 3584 and was sold to Railroad Passenger Cars (RRP) in 1969.  RRP sold the car around 1977 or 1978.  It supposedly went to the Pittsburgh Chapter of the NRHS, but not really sure.  Here is a photo of the car taken by A.H. Morscher in Pittsburgh, still as 3502 and one can see where the RRP marking was on the top of the car.  When RRP purchased this car, they also purchased two other B&O "Heavy-weight" coaches, B&O 3515 which is now with the Hocking Valley Scenic Railway in Nelsonville, Ohio.  Also former B&O 3587 which today sits in the front yard of the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore, rusting away.  Does anyone know the whereabouts of the former B&O 3584 which became RRP 3502?  Thanks for your help.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 01/07/25 22:13
Re: former B&O coach where is it now?
Author: MH2198

Jeff Lubchansky posted this picture from 2010 on the Surviving Passenger Cars group on Facebook. Currently located on the Morristown & Erie, and is for sale. Hope this helps!

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