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Passenger Trains > 7(6) - BNSF Leader

Date: 01/06/25 14:03
7(6) - BNSF Leader
Author: sethamtrak

BNSF 8039 in charge. Same engine that rescued the late 8. It's my understanding that Amtrak could not come up with a 3rd engine of their own to run 7 to Seattle. Todays 8 is coming into Chicago with a BNSF leader too. 500 is also leading the eastbound Borealis. 

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Date: 01/06/25 14:46
Re: 7(6) - BNSF Leader
Author: jp1822

That would give me a LOT of confidence knowing that a BNSF locomotive was at the lead leaving Chicago on the Empire Builder! Will be watching this train's performance to see how it does to Seattle/Portland. The ALC42s are not working out and Amtrak is not maintaining the P42s or P40s so it's all pretty much collapsing around them......

Date: 01/06/25 17:16
Re: 7(6) - BNSF Leader
Author: inCHI

Jeez... going back out as a leader is wild. Yesterday I was running errands and a BNSF unit in the Metra coach yard was a surprise - I've never seen anything but the usual switching geeps (which were also there.)

Then power was being pulled off a long distance consist with 8039 leading a charger, repainted P42, and another P42. This was in the early afternoon though, so must not have been yesterday's arriving 8.

Another folly for today - 393 left two hours late, and then somehow lost another 30" at Kensington. No idea what that was about, usually I'd say South Shore cross traffic but L537 got through around the same time somehow.

Date: 01/08/25 04:39
Re: 7(6) - BNSF Leader
Author: jp1822

This train, with the BNSF leader and Amtrak units trailing, made it from Chicago to Spokane JUST FINE in my opinion. Here's some stats, with BNSF freight motor as leader. Max speed I saw at some points was 80 mph across the Hi-Line:
  • NEVER went over 2 hours late on its route.
  • Arrived into Spokane only 44 minutes late. 
  • Averaged about 45 minutes late from Chicago to Spokane. 
  • At only six stations along the ENTIRE route was it over ONE hour late, out of total station stops of 34 from Chicago to Spokane. 

Date: 01/08/25 05:08
Re: 7(6) - BNSF Leader
Author: dan

this is perfect bnsf loaner for amtrak ;

as it is listed as 75 mph, gearing so the overspeed maybe set at 81 or 82,  this

is a  es44c i think in  with the middle axles un powered

amtrak should lease or buy some

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