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Passenger Trains > What's new in New York City?

Date: 01/07/25 01:21
What's new in New York City?
Author: GenePoon


Date: 01/07/25 01:58
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: jgilmore

Yup, can't push you if your back is against the wall, or a support beam. That's exactly the way I waited all the years I lived there and never had a problem. As well as being self-aware all the time. Not that hard...


Date: 01/07/25 04:07
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: joemvcnj

Or wait in the mezzanine next to the turnstiles. 

Date: 01/07/25 08:51
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: MEKoch

The culture in NY has gotten so bad, that everyone in the subway has their back to the wall.........

Very sad.

Date: 01/07/25 12:11
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: timz

Is the pic posed, or is that what stations actually look like?

Date: 01/07/25 16:44
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: cutboy1958

Common  sense. Like  I  do  not  stand  next  to  traffic  on the  road  if  there is  space  to 'hang  back'.

Date: 01/07/25 18:18
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: AndyBrown

timz Wrote:
> Is the pic posed, or is that what stations
> actually look like?

Are you talking about the people or the station itself?  I doubt you'd ever get that many people to pose in NYC.  But yes that's what the subway stations look like.  Some are nicer than others with intricate and attractive tile work.

In  happier times you could stand at the edge of the platform without worrying about being shoved in front of an incoming train, but apparently those days are gone.


Date: 01/08/25 00:58
Re: What's new in New York City?
Author: RU412

Don't forget to stand clear of the closing doors, please, in the immortal words of Charlie Pellett. :-)

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