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Passenger Trains > Amtrak schemes

Date: 01/07/25 17:09
Amtrak schemes
Author: srman

I don't live near an Amtrak route so when I visted family in Georgia recently I like to get an Amtrak or two. On December 31st I was in Bremen Georgia and shot the Crescent as it rolled by. Looking at the power I noticed that the second unit had a different paint scheme. Is this another version of the newer scheme? 

Date: 01/07/25 19:48
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: DavidP

The first ten or so national network chargers were delivered in that scheme.  Not sure why they revised it.


Date: 01/08/25 10:22
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: RutledgeRadio

I believe Amtrak considered those painted in “Phase VI”.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/08/25 15:07
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: jp1822

DavidP Wrote:
> The first ten or so national network chargers were
> delivered in that scheme.  Not sure why they
> revised it.
> Dave

Me neither - cause I liked that paint scheme (livery) better than the latest one. What draws me into it is the detail of the paint scheme at the back end..........

Date: 01/09/25 03:54
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: SPbird

306 wears phase 6
343 wears phase 7

Not sure how many phases we need. Amtrak hasn't been able to decide on a uniform paint scheme since the '80s.

Posted from Android

Date: 01/09/25 04:15
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: jp1822

SPbird Wrote:
> 306 wears phase 6
> 343 wears phase 7
> Not sure how many phases we need. Amtrak hasn't
> been able to decide on a uniform paint scheme
> since the '80s.
> Posted from Android

Not much of anything got phase 6!

Date: 01/09/25 18:30
Re: Amtrak schemes
Author: SPbird

jp1822 Wrote:
> SPbird Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 306 wears phase 6
> > 343 wears phase 7
> >
> > Not sure how many phases we need. Amtrak hasn't
> > been able to decide on a uniform paint scheme
> > since the '80s.
> >
> > Posted from Android
> Not much of anything got phase 6!

Right? Since they're going to the trouble to repaint some of the P42's, I'd like to see some of those in phase 6.

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