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Passenger Trains > Cold Coast

Date: 01/08/25 08:37
Cold Coast
Author: thebluecomet

NJT North Jersey Coast Line Bay Head to Long Branch shuttle train 4360 crosses Ocean Avenue in Spring Lake, NJ yesterday, January 7, 2025.  Yes, it was cold.   That square-ish building in the background is intriguing as it looks to have been an Inn perhaps at one time, but it's not close to either the station or the ocean.

Date: 01/08/25 15:41
Re: Cold Coast
Author: CPMorris

Cold indeed and the extended forecast provides little or no relief
until later next week....maybe. Anyway, Summer will soon be here
and you will probably post a photo of NJT crossing the river at Brielle
on July 4 like you did last year, remember? THAT was your best ever!

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