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Passenger Trains > Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles areaDate: 01/28/25 21:04 Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: DNRY122 Did anyonw get photos of thw SW Chief running on the Metrolink San Bernardino Line after the tracks south of Union Station were disrupted by fallen LADWP lines? Extra points for shots on its former native habitat between San Berdoo and Claremont.
Date: 01/28/25 21:40 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: westcoastrails There's already more than a few videos on YouTube.
Date: 01/28/25 22:38 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: NPRocky What's an "LADWP" line? Can I assume this problem is related to the wildfires?
Date: 01/28/25 22:44 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: pdt NPRocky Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > What's an "LADWP" line? Can I assume this > problem is related to the wildfires? LA dept of water and Power. Its the power lines that fell down Date: 01/28/25 23:04 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: NPRocky Thanks. But was that a wildfire problem or something else?
Date: 01/29/25 00:06 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: MrMRL NPRocky Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks. But was that a wildfire problem or > something else? https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?4,5976323 ~ Mr. MRL Date: 01/29/25 10:41 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: PHall NPRocky Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks. But was that a wildfire problem or > something else? Nope, not a wildfire problem. Date: 01/30/25 14:08 Re: Rerouted Amtrak 3 & 4 in Los Angeles area Author: chakk pdt Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > NPRocky Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What's an "LADWP" line? Can I assume this > > problem is related to the wildfires? > LA dept of water and Power. Its the power lines > that fell down > LADWP is the municipal utility that provides much (most?) of the electricity to the city of Los Angeles. Not to be confused with SCE (Southern California Edision), the investor-owned utility that provides electricity to much of the remainder of southern California. |