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Passenger Trains > Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guessDate: 01/29/25 07:04 Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guess Author: dan -hired 3 , 2 more in the works
good to hear, help other rr's and other buisnesses i bet many service disruptions sometimes mid day it appears to me losses to their signals is soo expensive CDOT has had the same thing, as everywhere you got meth you have stolen wires Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/25 17:28 by dan. Date: 01/29/25 12:26 Re: Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guess Author: railstiesballast I hope they are pointed at the crooked buyers of copper scrap as much as the organized theft rings.
Date: 01/29/25 12:34 Re: Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guess Author: PHall railstiesballast Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I hope they are pointed at the crooked buyers of > copper scrap as much as the organized theft rings. That's how they slowed down the metal thieves in California, they started going after the scrap metal buyers. Date: 02/09/25 08:26 Re: Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guess Author: RRaburn In 2012 BART successfully sponsored a AB 1971 to deter copper theft. The bill clarifies that the theft of nonferrous materials from public property is an act of vandalism. It also increases the maximum fine to $1,000 for someone who knowingly buys copper without verifying that it has been legally obtained.
Date: 02/09/25 09:17 Re: Denver-RTD hires detectives for copper theft chiefly i guess Author: dan colorado just seems to have gotten a grip on catalytic convertor thefts, i have had 3 stolen, think it has stopped
CDOT put in these messaging signs and they stole the cableing for that a few years ago, that was a super expensive fix a few years ago. |