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Passenger Trains > No. 3(29) departing Ft Madison

Date: 01/29/25 16:29
No. 3(29) departing Ft Madison
Author: bmarti7

The brake release light on the last occupied coach (2 deadhead Superliners after that) remained yellow as the train departed Ft Madison tonight - brakes not released on that car?


Date: 01/29/25 17:15
Re: No. 3(29) departing Ft Madison
Author: GP25

Looks like one car is a sleeper. And the trailing car is a Transition Sleeper

Jerry Martin
Los Angeles, CA
Central Coast Railroad Festival

Date: 01/30/25 03:39
Re: No. 3(29) departing Ft Madison
Author: Englewood

During my time at amtrak those car side lights were as poorly maintained and unreliable
as everything else.  They could not be used as proof of a set and release during an air test so
were useless.

Perhaps they are perfectly maintained now.

Date: 01/30/25 10:22
Re: No. 3(29) departing Ft Madison
Author: irhoghead

If the handbrake is on even just one click, it will make that light yellow. If the hoghead notices, or cares, a call back to the train crew to pop the handbrake release lever completely will usually clear it up. Had that occur many times.

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