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Passenger Trains > "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"

Date: 01/31/25 15:35
"Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: KurtBWNews

Your correspondent followed up with US Senator Shelly Moore Capito about her comments on Amtrak during a press briefing on Thursday, January 30. 
I'm presenting it here with minimal initial comment.

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Date: 01/31/25 20:30
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: Chessie1963

Note that there was no suggestion that Amtrak be eliminated or that it take big cuts.  I believe that Amtrak is now a given.  But what is given will determine the eventual outcome.

Date: 02/01/25 04:58
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: jp1822

Chessie1963 Wrote:
> Note that there was no suggestion that Amtrak be
> eliminated or that it take big cuts.  I believe
> that Amtrak is now a given.  But what is given
> will determine the eventual outcome.

Agreed. Most of the TO members on here would argue that we all want Amtrak to improve and get a "better bang for the buck." 

Date: 02/01/25 06:10
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: Chessie1963

I am encouraged that people are seeing what we have been discussing on this site.  We are sort of like canaries in a coal mine.  Now the foremen have been notified.

Perhaps things will get better.  I am always optimistic, but the Senator is saying what I might say if asked the same question.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/25 08:21 by Chessie1963.

Date: 02/01/25 11:16
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: GenePoon

A swift kick in the butt to the current Amtrak upper management would be a good start.

Date: 02/01/25 11:39
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: ts1457

GenePoon Wrote:
> A swift kick in the butt to the current Amtrak
> upper management would be a good start.

Senator Capito is number four in the Senate Republican leadership.

She might a good person to cultivate in this cause.

Date: 02/01/25 13:54
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: Chessie1963

She has also been a steady Amtrak supporter.  Her constituents want it, and she knows that.  Again, I have hope.

Date: 02/01/25 19:36
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: ironmtn

Chessie1963 Wrote:
> She has also been a steady Amtrak supporter.  Her
> constituents want it, and she knows that.  Again,
> I have hope.

And so do I, for the same reasons. It's good to have her indicate these thoughts, and join others who are concerned about Amtrak service. Friends are where you find them.....


Date: 02/05/25 08:25
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: ProAmtrak

She made a good point, the biggest issue is the leadership, they don't know  how to run a railroad and every time it snows or gets cold they immediately cancel the trains! Come on, it wasn't that not that long ago, why be wimps about it claiming "It's all about safety!" They were safe even before Amtrak when it came to running trains, but there's a way to be safe and not endanger everyone and everything and still come out OK, even if the train's late!

Date: 02/05/25 08:55
Re: "Why aren't we getting better bang for our buck?"
Author: a737flyer

Amtrak appears, to this slightly more than casual observer, to be operating as if it were under the government of California.  It seems like the form of their leadership is more important than the objective of their operation.  That adherance to sets of often-contradictory rules, cautions, protocols and outdated procedures has caused them to completely lose sight of the primary reason for Amtrak's existence and that is to GET PEOPLE SAFELY AND COMFORTABLY FROM HERE TO THERE AND BACK!  And to that, they need to be quickly, adamantly, loudly, with crystal clarity, and even forcefully reminded.

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