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Passenger Trains > C&O 614 Test in WV

Date: 01/31/25 18:15
C&O 614 Test in WV
Author: Pete4501

When I saw the awesome photo of the 614 pulling the Cardinal across ghe bridge, it reminded me that I had this photo in my files.  I worked for the AAR Research & Test Department in Washington DC and at the Transportation Test Center in Pueblo.  Our instrumentation department from Pueblo was retained to measure the effect of the steam engine drivers pounding on the track.  This phooto is one of several taken during the test by the crew and I thought it would complement the fine bridge shot.  

Date: 02/01/25 12:34
Re: C&O 614 Test in WV
Author: texchief1

Very nice!  What did the test show?


Date: 02/01/25 13:49
Re: C&O 614 Test in WV
Author: HotWater

texchief1 Wrote:
> Very nice!  What did the test show?
> texchief1

That a reciprocating, two cylinder steam locomotive could NOT effectively compete with diesel electric locomotives of the 1980s.

Date: 02/01/25 15:51
Re: C&O 614 Test in WV
Author: jp1822

HotWater Wrote:
> texchief1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Very nice!  What did the test show?
> >
> > texchief1
> That a reciprocating, two cylinder steam
> locomotive could NOT effectively compete with
> diesel electric locomotives of the 1980s.

And the steam locomotive will out perform the Chargers and ALC42s in service reliability for sure! LOL!

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