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Passenger Trains > Monday Meets:Florida version

Date: 02/03/25 07:49
Monday Meets:Florida version
Author: march_hare

Well, it's 30 degrees and slushy outside, and the propane delivery truck just slid sideways off my driveway. 

So how about a Monday meet on TriRail, in sunny Florida?

Date: 02/03/25 17:05
Re: Monday Meets:Florida version
Author: Passfanatic

Nice shot! It's very interesting to see a Tri-Rail train operate with an engine on both ends. By the way, in a couple of days, I am going to be spending a couple of days in Southern Florida and plan to railfan Tri-Rail. That picture looks like it was taken at the Fort Lauderdale Station-I am going to be there.

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