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Passenger Trains > ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer

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Date: 02/03/25 21:50
ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: lowwater

From today's Colorado Sun:

I'll never see it, might not see Phase 1 if even that happens, but the apparent support from Union Pacific makes it less unrealistic than it was!

Date: 02/03/25 23:31
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: mp51w

Very upbeat article! 
I wish there was some way that could be shown, how many speeding tickets and DUI's have been avoided, and how may lives may have been saved, by running the Winter Park Express!
I imagine CDOT can come up with some formula for that, as well as showing a substantial reduction in traffic on I-70 on Friday's and Sunday's.

Date: 02/04/25 02:01
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: pdt

Unfortunately, its all about money.   If private money from Steamboat comes in that will help a lot.
Right now, seems the plan is to go to Granby next year, which should basically cost zero extra $$ to operate.  Its just one stop up the line on an active amtk passenger route.

stage 2 ...craig to steamboat commuter service or something like that...not even for skiers. I guess they are looking for some way to get employees to Steamboar when the roads are closed due to snow or something?  So its an employee shuttle?   Hopefully Amtk wont operate it, as they cancel whenever it snows. LOL.

stage 3 would be the actual ski train to steamboat and craig.  So at the usualy rate of things happening and getting funded...thats's what...10 years out..

They make a point of saying that there's no timetable for stages 2 and 3. LOL.    And then there's all the "upgrades" needed to run on the craig branch...I mean really...its heavy rail with CTC (if its still operating) built for 15,000 ton coal trains.

The good news is that they are talking about it.    The bad news is that they are just talking about it.
I guess the only really good news is that the UP (for i think the `1st time ever)  wants to run pax trains on the craig branch.    For the RR that doesnt llike to run  trains, thats pretty amazing.,

Date: 02/04/25 05:28
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: march_hare

I think the potential commuter service could be the real game changer. It is really tough for ski industry employees to find a place to live that's within driving range of their jobs. Increase that range, or do away with the need for a car altogether, and you have just made life easier for thousands of people. 

Date: 02/04/25 07:06
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: joemvcnj

Ok, so what about the equipment ?
How about EXO's recently retired 700-series Comet/Horizon type cars, though they lack traps for RTD's high level platforms at DUS ? 

Date: 02/04/25 07:20
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: G600DRVR

I would much rather they were "talking" about Cheyenne to Pueblo and Raton service. There is so much more need in that corridor. 

Date: 02/04/25 08:11
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: dan

G600DRVR Wrote:
> I would much rather they were "talking" about
> Cheyenne to Pueblo and Raton service. There is so
> much more need in that corridor. 

they are - called front range rail

the numbers are quite small for the steamboat market, smaller than winter park

talking about commuter rail for steamboats bedroom communities commutation, not sure how much bus service there is now, with more flexability and stops ease of worker use...

be easier to let busses use the shoulder perhaps like RFTA does GSC-Aspen

these ski area places have rush hours in the am that can be bumper to bumper and weekend and holidays too in the other peak seasons in the summer and fall, the shoulder seasons are quiet 

the major impetous with the craig line is that the capacity is there now

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 09:19 by dan.

Date: 02/04/25 08:55
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: rantoul

march_hare Wrote:
> I think the potential commuter service could be
> the real game changer. It is really tough for ski
> industry employees to find a place to live that's
> within driving range of their jobs. Increase that
> range, or do away with the need for a car
> altogether, and you have just made life easier for
> thousands of people. 

Ski resort employers pay the commuter train passenger operating subsidy.....yeah, right.

Date: 02/04/25 09:27
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: BrandonRC

mp51w Wrote:
> I wish there was some way that could be shown, how
> many speeding tickets and DUI's have been avoided,
> and how may lives may have been saved, by running
> the Winter Park Express!

THIS out of everything is the most important, especially for families who want to ski for a day. I am not from CO but I can tell you it makes me happy to see Amtrak and Colorado working to keep people safe. I would much rather ride the train right to the front of the resort than drive through all the snow and bad drivers that plauge most of the US road system. 

Date: 02/04/25 10:15
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: ts1457

Without considering the costs yet, but just thinking about concepts, an old fashion interurban line connecting major ski resorts would be useful. People could stay at one area but experience a day trip to another area. Employees would have a lot of flexibility in where they live, too.

But alas, most resorts probably would want to keep their customers captive.

Date: 02/04/25 12:50
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: dan

ts1457 Wrote:
> Without considering the costs yet, but just
> thinking about concepts, an old fashion interurban
> line connecting major ski resorts would be useful.
> People could stay at one area but experience a day
> trip to another area. Employees would have a lot
> of flexibility in where they live, too.
> But alas, most resorts probably would want to keep
> their customers captive.

Steamboat is quite away from other resorts except howleson Hill

you could build a new line along I 70, just a couple summits to cross before you connect with the Tenn Pass line by which time 87% of traffic has exited

There are two major passes, Vail and Loveland.   so the craig line with the moffat tunnel  avoids berthoud pass  would connect all the ikon pass holders kinda, Eldora, WP, Steamboat (wp-steamboat by train is 2.5 -3 hours, by car 1.5 hours) 

the epic pass is for vail owned resorts breckenridge,keystone, vail, beaver creek, ---along i70 pretty much, a new line could use the straight creek highway tunnels that 70 uses to avoid Loveland pass.                also along i 70 a couple ikon pass locations cooper mountain , and Abasin on US 6.    Loveland and 

the  Aspen area ski resorts are independent.

Beaver creek is along the tenn pass line, but the rest would take big money new construction, for a market that is not year around, but summer tourism eclipses ski visits by far, Cdot would love to see freight and supplies also deliverd by train,  Breck and Vail are allready setting up distribtution centers for freight,

wher they deliver supplies to keep trucks out of downtown, CDOT has  their own busses;  Bustang  and Snowstang programs, will reimburse Amtrak up to 2.3 million for this years ski train.

all these options would drive up the cost of everything.  The much touted ski train timing  is beatable by car even with traffic jams and road closures 94% of the time from my daily skiing experience.  The best time the ski train comes out ahead is dec-jan after thAt the longer days melt the roads much better.

all the fools with the epic passes have to use I70 thru the tunnels and their skiing experience is a cluster on the weekends, the tunnel approaches with their long grades and trucks and numbers of cars is a recipe for disaster when snow falls, so just skiing winter park eliminates 80%+ of the problem, because

you exit 70 before the tunnels

there are alot more condos out of neccesity, along I70 but making fri nights also a very busy period.  A condo investment is a money maker in summit county and Eagle county when you don't use it you can rent it out more easily  (more summer activities)

But for day in day out CDOT could perhaps get more bang for the buck with front range rail, but destinations are all over the place, so it may be harder to build a relevant system conceptually.


Date: 02/04/25 13:40
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: ts1457

dan Wrote:
> Steamboat is quite away from other resorts except
> howleson Hill ...

> But for day in day out CDOT could perhaps get more
> bang for the buck with front range rail, but
> destinations are all over the place, so it may be
> harder to build a relevant system conceptually.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It was just a wild idea on my part.

I agree that the Front Range should be the priority for Colorado.

Date: 02/04/25 13:46
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: dan

well if Elon gets his boring machine on line... 

CDOT is gunho on all mass transit projects, except rebuilding I25 thru downtown denver, that they seem to have shelved following Cali's lead in not upgrading hiways    think the goal north of denver is to three lane I 25  ,  which is  almost complete to fort Collins, and the wyo border,  and i think it was also to do that to new mexico, wonder if that still is the case

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 13:52 by dan.

Date: 02/04/25 13:56
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: OmahaTom

A few years ago the Colorado Pacific Railway was talking about leasing the entire Tennessee pass line for both passenger and freight service. That has been at a standstill, however.

Tom Loftus
Omaha, NE

Date: 02/04/25 15:06
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: jp1822

The decline of rail traffic on the Moffat line must have been the "win" Union Pacific saw in allowing the Rocky Mountaineer to run its premium train over the route and thus collecting a handsome revenue stream. I'd love to see an expansion of not only Rocky Mountaineer, but the push from Denver to Pueblo and beyond to Raton, as well as up to Cheyenne. US CONNECT had this on their corridor albeit the connection from Pueblo to Raton, which I think should be included. 

Date: 02/04/25 19:57
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: RuleG

G600DRVR Wrote:
> I would much rather they were "talking" about
> Cheyenne to Pueblo and Raton service. There is so
> much more need in that corridor. 

More than just talking about rail along the Front Range:




Date: 02/04/25 20:35
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: symph1

march_hare Wrote:
> I think the potential commuter service could be
> the real game changer. It is really tough for ski
> industry employees to find a place to live that's
> within driving range of their jobs. Increase that
> range, or do away with the need for a car
> altogether, and you have just made life easier for
> thousands of people. 

Lot of new cheaper housing is going into Granby, mainly for Winter Park employees. What used to be a simple bus system just in WP now runs busses out to Granby for them. Doesn't Steamboat have a similar system for their employees living further west?

Date: 02/04/25 20:45
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: symph1

dan Wrote:

> the  Aspen area ski resorts are independent.

Not exactly. The same family that owns Aspen owns Alterra, and Alterra owns Winter Park, owns the Ikon Pass, owns Steamboat, and just bought A-Basin.

> ...front range rail, but
> destinations are all over the place, so it may be
> harder to build a relevant system conceptually.
Have to disagree there. One set of destinations lines up perfectly: Ft. Collins-Loveland (the town, not the ski resort)-Berthoud (the town, not the pass)-Longmont-Boulder-Broomfield-Denver and on to the Springs and Pueblo. There are rail lines in place already.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/25 08:18 by symph1.

Date: 02/05/25 00:26
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: dan

but how many jobs  (office buildings )  are along the tracks in all these locales, and compare that time versus a car commute, another step on both ends would be required often,  at least with ski areas you have a concentration


Date: 02/05/25 08:24
Re: ex-D&RWG Denver-Craig services inches closer
Author: symph1

dan Wrote:
> but how many jobs  (office buildings )  are
> along the tracks in all these locales, and compare
> that time versus a car commute, another step on
> both ends would be required often,  at least with
> ski areas you have a concentration
Point taken, but isn't that true of almost every commuter line in the world? People don't take the train from Scarsdale to Grand Central because they live right by the Scarsdale station and work right by Grand Central. Some folks are willing to sacrifice a bit of flexibility to avoid the wear and tear on their car, the stress of driving, parking costs, etc.

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